Need some advice on a lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need some advice on a lift


Well-Known Member
January 3, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Bensalem, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 xlt
I just purchased a 99' explorer sport 4WD. I took it off road today for the first time. It handled VERY well for the PA swamp lands I took her in. I have a rear locker on the way so next would be to get a lift. I do not want a super lift. They are wayyyyy to high and would be impractical for a weekend warrior. Since I have the sport I have found some trouble with finding a lift for it. I am only looking for 2 inches so I can get some bigger tires under there for more traction. What are my options with these ideas for a lift? I want to keep the independent front to keep it streetable and not too much roll while turning. What kits have you guys found and what should I be looking at price wise. Also would it be more practical to get a body lift or an actual suspension lift? I have had experience lifting a Jeep CJ with a suspension lift. I am not too familiar with body lifts. All help appreciated.

Thanks, Jon

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Torsion twist/shackles (do a search) or a body lift :)

it would cost you $60 bucks for torsion twist and shackles and then you could fit some bigger tires but the ride would be stiffer, if you didnt want it stiffer get yourself a 2" body lift for around $100

since it is a sport then go with 4-door leafs and maby shackels and the a TT up front lots of people have done this your fenders will sit at about 35 inches and you can clear a 32 inch tire. Most people with tat lift go with a 31x10.50 on a 15x8 rim.

I have a 2002 explorer sport with 32's and they fit fine (barley) and now i want 2-3 inches of lift but i cant find a body lift kit for it... Are there any other models of fords (perhaps a Ranger) that I can purchase a body lift kit for and install on my truck. I dont want to do the TT because i dont want the ride stiffer.

performance accessories ranger body lift part number PA 883, im sure some guys with BL's will jump on here and give you more info but as far as i know thats the kit you will need

i have an 01 sport and i would also like a short 2-3 inch lift, is this ranger body lift pretty much a direct bolt on for the X? more infomation on this would be a big help.

I appreciate that some information on how easily that Ranger kit might go on my truck would be awesome. Thanks.

All of the pucks from the ranger lift kit will fit the same as they would on the ranger, however the bumper brackets need to be fabricated

Thank you SuRrEaLNJ, I appreciate it.

get PA 883. that would fit yours.

2002 body lift

you can use a ranger body lift for the 2002 exp. sport all you need to find or manufacture is the steering rod extender and the shipter extender.
