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New from Ohio


January 22, 2017
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer
The beast is a 2003 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition 4.6L V8 4x4. Not mine, but I fix it sometimes. I also have a Ford 8.8 axle I'm building, so I may have questions on that.

I'm a TPMS technician who does a lot of side work on primarily Ford and GM vehicles, as well as some Toyotas. I know the ins and outs of my 93 Jeep Wrangler and could fix any issue on it, but OBD II systems are less familiar to me.

As for my level of automotive knowledge, I make most of my money on the steering, suspension, and brake systems, but recently bought a code reader/scan tool to get more jobs under the hood. I have a full toolbox of anything I need, including air tools and a welder.

My questions will mostly be geared towards people who are especially familiar with the Ford systems, as I know basic troubleshooting and can turn a wrench quite well.

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Welcome to the forum. I have a 99 grand cherokee, and a driveway full of old ford cars.

I'm doing an axle swap on my jeep and that info will be very useful. Would you have a manual for a merkur xr4ti? I have been given 2 xr's and I have made one out of the 2 that would drive if I could get it to start.
Nope. Just older Jeeps and a 2002 ish Dodge Dakota. If you have any Ford manuals, I could use those. I usually work on newer trucks and older Explorers.

Plus I'm doing a Ford 8.8 swap so if you have a 2nd Gen manual that'll help with the gearing.

These aren't always complete, but FREE nonetheless. Thanks Bob Flood.

User ID: chattech
Password: ctcmass
I have access to Chilton's Library, but I'm starting to doubt it's accuracy when it called for a ridiculous torque spec on a throttle body that I took to the point where I felt like I was going to strip the bolt if I took it further, and stopped.

The beast is a 2003 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition 4.6L V8 4x4. Not mine, but I fix it sometimes. I also have a Ford 8.8 axle I'm building, so I may have questions on that.

I'm a TPMS technician who does a lot of side work on primarily Ford and GM vehicles, as well as some Toyotas. I know the ins and outs of my 93 Jeep Wrangler and could fix any issue on it, but OBD II systems are less familiar to me.

As for my level of automotive knowledge, I make most of my money on the steering, suspension, and brake systems, but recently bought a code reader/scan tool to get more jobs under the hood. I have a full toolbox of anything I need, including air tools and a welder.

My questions will mostly be geared towards people who are especially familiar with the Ford systems, as I know basic troubleshooting and can turn a wrench quite well.

Now THAT's how you introduce yourself!! Who, what, where, when, how, level of expertise, and expectations. Nicely done and Welcome!

Now THAT's how you introduce yourself!! Who, what, where, when, how, level of expertise, and expectations. Nicely done and Welcome!
Thank you, I have been on Wrangler Forum for a few years with a few thousand posts, usually on the helper side, so I know what the helper is looking for from the helpee.

I have access to Chilton's Library, but I'm starting to doubt it's accuracy when it called for a ridiculous torque spec on a throttle body that I took to the point where I felt like I was going to strip the bolt if I took it further, and stopped.
Ford Workshop Manuals shown on the Ebscohost site. Agree Chilton's accuracy leaves a lot to be desired, especially torque specs.
