New member from Cedar Rapids, Iowa | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New member from Cedar Rapids, Iowa


New Member
April 14, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer XLT
I wanted to introduce myself and my most recent acquistion to the forum, a 2005 Explorer XLT. My wife and I had been looking for a newer vehicle to replace our aging 1997 Countor (161,000 miles) for several months when we came across the Explorer from a dealership in northern Iowa. Ideally we wanted something with a V8 (camper duties) but we couldn't refuse the asking price vs. miles on this Explorer. It has an orginal 32,000 miles on it with the 4.0L V6 and at a final negotiated price (no trade) of $12,400 I didn't think we could go wrong. It had only been on the lot for 4 days and was traded in by an older gentlemen who complianed of not being able to get in and out of it anymore. It is a metailic silver with grayish lower trim and tubular step rails. The back half of the interior (middle and third row) don't appear to have ever been used. I look forward to further posts and any communication(s) from those in the Eastern Iowa area.

-- Mike
