New Member here 2004 NBX and 2001 XLT sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Member here 2004 NBX and 2001 XLT sport


New Member
May 16, 2012
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City, State
Lawrenceville, GA.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 NBX
Just found this site while searching around for some new tires for my '04 NBX. Site looks pretty cool! Hoping to learn some things. If anyone has some suggestions for new tires for my stock 2004 NBX I'd appreciate it. Right now it has Cooper Discoverer CTS, lookinf for something a bit more "trail" or "rugged" like for both looks and for when we go up on the U.S. Forestry roads to go hiking in the North Georgia mountains. Thanks!!

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Thanks for the welcome! I ended up going with Nitto Terra Grapplers in 255 70R17, having them installed tomorrow morning or first thing Tuesday if they are not on the early delivery truck :)
