2004 Explorer NBX Bigger Tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Explorer NBX Bigger Tires


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April 13, 2012
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Lancaster, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Explorer NBX
Ive had my 04 NBX for about 3 years and I love it but I'm trying to give it a more rugged look. I bought a grille guard from steelecraft and I want a little bigger tire setup with more aggressive tread. I'm not completely opposed to getting new rims for it but I like the look of the factory 17" rims my current tires are 245/65/17 I'm not ready to do a lift on the X yet but maybe eventually.

What're your thoughts on tires/rims/sizes how do they fit without a lift.

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Most popular question asked on this site. Just use the search button at the top of the page for future references. It'll be your best buddy.

I tried and I wasn't coming up with exactly what I was looking for but I guess i'll just have to be more thorough

This site is packed with stuff, sometimes you just have to be creative with your wording.

Kevincaseyjr said:
Yeah I think I found the ones I want to get sorry about posting an unnecessary thread, kinda feel like an idiot haha https://www.treadwright.com/p-63-265-70r17-guard-dog-m-t-e.aspx those are the ones can't wait.

They are great, I just ordered the same set. You'll need some sort of lift though. As it is a retread, and the tread is so aggressive it is actually a little bigger than other 265/70/17's. I've got a 3" body lift AND 2" wheel spacers and I still needed to trim my bumper because I was rubbing. I can only imagine the rubbing you'd get.... I've also got the same 17" ford rims, I like them too.


They are great, I just ordered the same set. You'll need some sort of lift though. As it is a retread, and the tread is so aggressive it is actually a little bigger than other 265/70/17's. I've got a 3" body lift AND 2" wheel spacers and I still needed to trim my bumper because I was rubbing. I can only imagine the rubbing you'd get.... I've also got the same 17" ford rims, I like them too.

Those BF Goodrich's look nice, you had to do the lift and trimming with those at 265/70/17? Or just the retreads?

Triton8273 said:
Those are the retreads.

The tread on these is MUCH more aggressive than BFG's A/T tread. I don't know about trimming with those...
