New Mod? Range Rover Headlights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Mod? Range Rover Headlights


Been there done that
January 26, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Fishers, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'16 Sport, 08, other ford
Got bored and decided to mess around with some VHT Niteshades, the headlights didnt' look right, so I decided to try taping off and spraying them this way:

Note: For some reason VHT didn't want to adhere to the headlights, cleaned thoroughly and it worked. I still need to touch up and clear the whole thing, then wet sand. Also need to take sharp knife gently around the tape-off areas because I didn't give them time to dry I had an emergency mid-project.

However, I've taped of spots of tail lights (reverse lights) to be sprayed and had great success before, so I probably wouldn't have to do any of this again if I had just A) waited till it was warmer and B) allowed more time to dry.

Not sure if this is "original" I haven't seen anybody else try this, and personally I like it better than the aftermarket housings and it's MUCH cheaper. (14 dollars a can for this stuff on ebay). I call my cheapo creation "Rover Headlights" because they look like wannabe rover lights.

Anyway, check it out!







Here's the VHT Niteshades on the Tail Lights & Third Brake Light

Here is the before:

AND After:

Never had problems with VHT Niteshades adhering on to any other plastic, so I'd say it's a pretty safe, easy mod. Surely it was the wax they put on the headlights at the dealership they told me about.

let me know what you think!

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looks good man

hey man where is ur exhaust i dont see ur exhaust in the pics

looks good man

hey man where is ur exhaust i dont see ur exhaust in the pics

it's stock, im not in to exhaust. Making my car sound loud isn't my gig, :)

I do like those headlights! Nice work!

Polish the rears up...

I definitely like the after over the before, looks more complete with the tinted corners.

Much better! I wondering how long it was going to take you to do something about that. I knew you would.

I like the lights. Very cleanly done :thumbsup:

didn't you put the letters across the top of ur grill? or was that someone else?

if it was you... why'd u remove it? i thought it looked good!


Haha no that was me with the letters across the grill... but it would look sick on your ex as well

I do like those headlights! Nice work!

Polish the rears up...

actually the finish is flawless on the tail lights... the picture sucks or it may have been dirty at the time... here better view of how it came out :

didn't you put the letters across the top of ur grill? or was that someone else?

if it was you... why'd u remove it? i thought it looked good!

nope, wasn't me.

Much better! I wondering how long it was going to take you to do something about that. I knew you would.

lol I knew I would too! it didn't look right!

Haha no that was me with the letters across the grill... but it would look sick on your ex as well

I don't like any emblems or anything on my cars, call me 90's lol.

it doesn't look bad on your ride though.

Show me better pics... i rarely see this color "pimped out"

Looks great. Got me some VHT niteshades coming from Summit. Going to try to to do my fronts the same way, along with blacking out tails.

Going to make my fronts look like the 08 Ironman or Adrenalin...

Looks great. Got me some VHT niteshades coming from Summit. Going to try to to do my fronts the same way, along with blacking out tails.

Going to make my fronts look like the 08 Ironman or Adrenalin...

nice! What are those? (ironman and adrenalin?)

man thats another amazingly done explorer
i love it bro looks really good

drop that **** like 3 inches or put it on bags


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Looks great. Got me some VHT niteshades coming from Summit. Going to try to to do my fronts the same way, along with blacking out tails.

Going to make my fronts look like the 08 Ironman or Adrenalin...

WELL... update. I am using this stuff on my lenses as I speak, inbetween coats.
For the tails it worked great. But on the headlights where it is clear plastic, it is looking like CRAP! Think I should have saved my $12... could have bought three or four cans of black spray paint and gotten better results!
