new owner with a few questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new owner with a few questions


New Member
September 12, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer
I just bought a 2003 Explorer and I have some questions. I am the 3rd owner, I knew all the previous owners and the car has been very well taken care of but it has a few problems.

The first problem which seems to be a common issue is with the windows. The only window that will function is the passenger rear. It can be opened from the master switch as well as from the door. The rest will not operate from the master switch. I have not tested the driver rear door from the switch located on the door. After reading this forum its sounds to me that its possibly a master switch issue. Just looking for some input from others who has had this problem and what they did to fix it. I am very mechanically inclined and prefer to fix my own cars rather than let anyone else work on them.

The other question is about the keypad lock on the door. Is there any documentation that explains how these work and how they are setup.


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The keypad info is in the owners manual, but if you didn't have one, you can download one here: Dead Link Removed

A lot of issues can be traced back to broken/damaged wire(s) in the boot between the body and the door. This is very common with our generation. I found a broken wire and repaired it and all is back to normal! As far as I know, all the wires for the windows run through master switch. I recommend looking for broken/damaged wires first since it will be the most cost effective.

Here is a great thread for removing the door panel, thanks to borland for the awesome write-up:

Here is a great thread for checking for broken/damaged wires, thanks to synyster for this awesome write-up:

Here is a great link for troubleshooting the power windows, thanks to theofam for this great link Dead Link Removed

If you don't know what your code is for the keypad, check out this thread for locating the security module, thanks to Welli for a great write-up!!:

Here is the operation of the keypad from the owner's manual:

Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed

Thanks everyone for the replies, It looks like the master switch is bad, I have one on order. Appreciate all the tips.

Thanks everyone for the replies, It looks like the master switch is bad, I have one on order. Appreciate all the tips.

Thanks for the update, keep us posted!!

Well I got the switch in today, replaced it the drivers front and rear windows still wont operate. I tool the door panel off, there is voltage getting to the motor and the motor will make noise when the switch is activated, its like the window is stuck. I know there is a possibility the motor is weak.

That's the job for today. After doing more reading there is nothing else left but to replace the regulator. I appreciate the link on the regulator removal. I will let you know the outcome.

I replaced the regulator and that solved the problem. It was difficult to get the window to move down so I could drill out the rivets. After cutting the cables and breaking off the mounts from the metal arms I was finally able to get the windows down. After drilling the rivets and removing the window the rest of the job went fairly easy, About 1.5 hrs in total. Looks like the passenger rear door is next.
