New paint idea!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New paint idea!!!

Did any of you guys notice that the picture up there of the pearl white limited with the silver side flames has 6 lug Chevrolet pickup wheels? Is that a photoshop? Must be. Just thought I would chime in!

Once again...

I have steel winter rims....

Hub caps on them...

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Pearl white...

Did any of you guys notice that the picture up there of the pearl white limited with the silver side flames has 6 lug Chevrolet pickup wheels? Is that a photoshop? Must be. Just thought I would chime in!

(Not photoshop) But nice observation... Whitelimited is tough character, but he doesn't fabricate. The guy defends himself very well, and knows when we're clowning him :D

But he's honest, no need to photoshop... but Whitelimited, didn't you have a question about the pearl white painting (maybe I'm confused :confused:

R17, is your paint custom?

(Not photoshop) But nice observation... Whitelimited is tough character, but he doesn't fabricate. The guy defends himself very well, and knows when we're clowning him :D

But he's honest, no need to photoshop... but Whitelimited, didn't you have a question about the pearl white painting (maybe I'm confused :confused:

R17, is your paint custom?

Now that my truck was in this wreck...
I'm hoping to just have the body shop pain for me...

Pearl white?

Custom paint or just a repaint?

No disrespect I didnt even realize that you can use 6lug caps on 5lug wheels. Anyhow, hope you get your car back to the way you want! I have a 1999 Limited Pearl White

No disrespect I didnt even realize that you can use 6lug caps on 5lug wheels. Anyhow, hope you get your car back to the way you want! I have a 1999 Limited Pearl White

You have a good lookin truck from the small icon I can see...
Got some pictures you can share?
So I can see a mirror so to speak?
Since we both have the same truck :)

Aw man!

No disrespect I didnt even realize that you can use 6lug caps on 5lug wheels. Anyhow, hope you get your car back to the way you want! I have a 1999 Limited Pearl White

R17, we were all poking fun at the guy... just a little ribbing :)

It didn't sound like he was offended ;)

(Rob17, are pics of your vehicle available here? Did you have the roof rack removed? Thanks in advance! :salute: )

Ok just don't plan on rubbing anyone the wrong way for any reason! If you want to see my truck check out this link. It was from last week when I introduced myself here. It has two links in the first post and some cool pictures furthur on. Only difference is I have Chrome Pillars now and POwerslot rotors and Red Calipers.

Oh yea, I have the rack on in those pics, but it is now removed.

How hard was your HID install WHITELIMITED? Was it worth it? Did you do a write up?
Where did you buy your kit?

How hard was your HID install WHITELIMITED? Was it worth it? Did you do a write up?
Where did you buy your kit?

I bought my kit off Ebay...I think any place that gets dark were WELL worth it!

It was not hard at all...

Every kit is a lil different...What do you need to know?
