New rule: Car buyers must be told about 'black boxes' | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New rule: Car buyers must be told about 'black boxes'

Your responding to a 15 year old thread. You say you disabled the box, so how did you do that?

Edit: looking at your profile, it looks like you signed up, then posted on every black box thread that you disabled yours, but never said how or even why.
I can not tell how or what I did to disable the black box. Why? Well it's nobody business how I drive, just like I took out the seatbelts and no the bells don't go off anymore while driving, I disable the bell as well.

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I can not tell how or what I did to disable the black box. Why? Well it's nobody business how I drive, just like I took out the seatbelts and no the bells don't go off anymore while driving, I disable the bell as well.
This forum is for people who want to help others with issues, organize events, etc. It seems like you came on here to brag, but are not providing any helpful details. You must be a computer wizard to disable a information gathering system that is integrated into the electronics of every vehicle for the past 15-18 years. Cudos to you, thanks for sharing.

To access the information stored, law enforcement would need your written consent or a search warrant. That means you would have had to have done something really stupid, like kill someone while driving drunk, for them to gain access. For the vast majority of vehicle owners, this is a non-issue. The information stored is usually only a few minutes prior to a event, such as a collision. It could actually help you if you have done nothing wrong.

Your responding to a 15 year old thread. You say you disabled the box, so how did you do that?

Edit: looking at your profile, it looks like you signed up, then posted on every black box thread that you disabled yours, but never said how or even why.

The "Black Box" is in the airbag control module in the 2011 Ranger.

"When a crash occurs, the sensors measure the acceleration pulse to determine whether there is enough severity to deploy the airbags. If the airbags do deploy, crash severity (Delta-V) information will be recorded and there may be additional information. Sometimes data will be recorded even if the Airbag Control Module (ACM) just “woke up” but did not deploy the airbags; this is called a non-deployment event. The amount and type of data recorded in either a deployment or non-deployment event varies with the manufacturer and the model of the vehicle.

Recorded event data may include:​

  • Vehicle speed
  • Change in velocity (Delta-V)
  • Brake application
  • ABS activity
  • Seatbelt usage
  • Throttle percentage
  • Engine RPM
  • Gear selection
  • Steering angle
  • Stability control (engaged / not engaged)"

The "Black Box" is in the airbag control module in the 2011 Ranger.

"When a crash occurs, the sensors measure the acceleration pulse to determine whether there is enough severity to deploy the airbags. If the airbags do deploy, crash severity (Delta-V) information will be recorded and there may be additional information. Sometimes data will be recorded even if the Airbag Control Module (ACM) just “woke up” but did not deploy the airbags; this is called a non-deployment event. The amount and type of data recorded in either a deployment or non-deployment event varies with the manufacturer and the model of the vehicle.

Recorded event data may include:​

  • Vehicle speed
  • Change in velocity (Delta-V)
  • Brake application
  • ABS activity
  • Seatbelt usage
  • Throttle percentage
  • Engine RPM
  • Gear selection
  • Steering angle
  • Stability control (engaged / not engaged)"
🤣😂 that's funny, show how much you DON'T know

What a waste of time :thumbsup:

Trolls :banghead: what can ya do

Since it's part of the SRS system, it doesn't sound like it could be disabled unless the entire SRS system is disabled. You could install a securefoam system instead.

LOL! But the idea of the 'hacked' computer car controls in the vid are scary! Wonder if that is ever a thing...

This forum is for people who want to help others with issues, organize events, etc. It seems like you came on here to brag, but are not providing any helpful details. You must be a computer wizard to disable a information gathering system that is integrated into the electronics of every vehicle for the past 15-18 years. Cudos to you, thanks for sharing.

To access the information stored, law enforcement would need your written consent or a search warrant. That means you would have had to have done something really stupid, like kill someone while driving drunk, for them to gain access. For the vast majority of vehicle owners, this is a non-issue. The information stored is usually only a few minutes prior to a event, such as a collision. It could actually help you if you have done nothing wrong.

Since it's part of the SRS system, it doesn't sound like it could be disabled unless the entire SRS system is disabled. You could install a securefoam system instead.

Sadly, this silly movie is more relevant today than ever.
