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new sub and box have some questions


Well-Known Member
March 29, 2013
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2005 ford explorer xlt
I upgraded from my jl 13w6 to a dd9515. I have the dd in a tline box I got from someone who built it and said its tuned at 32hz.
my amp for now is a hifonics brutus 1200. The sub is wired down to 1 ohm with 1200 going to it and it needs more.

I am looking for a 3000k rms watt amp or something around that. I have a stock alternator and one battery up front.

so I am wondering which battery should I get and how many amps? and what is a good amp to get that's not crazy expensive? so far I've considered a soundstream rubicon 2500 which ive had in the past, or maybe a hifonics brutus 2400. both amps are under 300$. but then I think I may want more for the 15 but I don't want to spend a whole lot more. locally on craigslist I found an older dd m2a listed for 250 which im considering. also I found a hifonics hfi which does 3000rms at 1 ohm. but I know it doesn't do that much. any suggestions???? im not sure how to get my voltage at 14 volts to get the most out of certain amps.

here is a picture of my new box

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Before you go with another major amp upgrade, I highly recommend you get a high output alternator for that system.
As for batteries, with your system I'd run 2.
Either two Optima yellow tops, or a yellow top under the hood and an XS power in the trunk.
Either way, please get a higher output alternator or you're going to kill your quickly. :)

I agree. What are my options for an alternator? I have an 05 xlt 4.0. And I've been looking at the xs batteries too. Was thinking the battery would be my first purchase. I'm just not sure where to put it. I have third row seating which I.took out part of it. The box is pretty big.

Just look up the alternators online. There's tons of different ones.

And, the battery will have to just squeeze in somewhere. With some nifty thinking, you can probably get it in beside the box.

Nice setup so far , I would Recommend Iraggi Alternator for your high output needs , he does amazing work with custom color and amperage options , ,

I sent him a message on facebook and he replied within a few minutes and gave me all the answers I was looking for + more , I plan to go with him when I go HO on my navajo .

So I picked up a dd m2b today. The first think I want to do is get a second battery back there. What are some things to look for when.purchasing? I've found some on.Craigslist. one guy had 2 red top optimas 34 for 150 each. Another guy is selling a kinetic 800. And I think I found a xs3100.

I've heard about people getting a bass knob with a clipping indicator. What are some.good brands and options? And I'd get a volt meter in there but seems like A ton of work. Do I have any options for that? Tons of questions lol.never thought I was a noob until I bought this dd sub it needs so much power

Thanks I've heard is name thrown out there. I'm going to check it out and see what he can do for me.

Nice setup so far , I would Recommend Iraggi Alternator for your high output needs , he does amazing work with custom color and amperage options , ,

I sent him a message on facebook and he replied within a few minutes and gave me all the answers I was looking for + more , I plan to go with him when I go HO on my navajo .

I wouldn't use a Redtop back there. Redtops are for power bursts such as starting, and require charging right away.
A Yellowtop is optimal for a sound system.

Getting a Volt meter in the truck is quite easy actually. You can wire one up with an inline switch to the 12V power outlet. That outlet always has power, so use the switch to turn on when you wanna see the voltage. As for the indicator, you can find them cheap on eBay. Not sure how well they work, but they work. Something like this:

Or if you're lazy, even something like this:

Thanks for the response. The red top I'm thinking.about getting for under the hood. It's a local sale on.Craigslist. in the picture he has a dmm hooked up and it reads 12.3

I might pick that up tomorrow. I also found a xs d6500. Will that setup or is it too big?

Also is there any write-ups on here for the big 3? Can't find any

The red top should be fine under the hood. It's what I run. Make sure it's a new battery, there should be a sticker on it with the date, ex. 01/14.

The D6500 should be fine.

As for the big 3, it's pretty self explanatory. You just find where the large power/ground wires in the engine bay are and replace them with a lower gauge wire. Usually these wires are Body ground, Engine ground and Alternator Positive, Starter Positive.

Cool I'll probably be doing the big three this weekend and ordering an xs d5100.
I do have one more question about my sub though. The guy I got it from said it was a 2 ohm sub. I wired it so it'd be at 1 ohm. I have it in the box and there's a small hole in the box (not my idea) for the wire to come out to the amp. I hooked my dmm to the wire and it reads 2.1 ish ohms. So does that mean it's a 4 ohm sub wired down to two? Or do I have to check it a different way? I've never done it before.

The ohm's at the wires running out of the box would be the ohms it's wired at.
In your case, yes, it would be at 2 ohms. Don't run it in 2 ohms on a 4 ohm amp though. That'll just cause problems.

My.amp does 1700@1ohm on 12 volts and 2400 @1 ohm with 14 volts. I took the sub out and the tinsel leads are burning the spider. I'm going to send the sub in to dd and have them completely rebuild it. I ordered an agm northstar battery for the back.

Poor subwoofer.

But good choice on the second battery.

My.amp does 1700@1ohm on 12 volts and 2400 @1 ohm with 14 volts. I took the sub out and the tinsel leads are burning the spider. I'm going to send the sub in to dd and have them completely rebuild it. I ordered an agm northstar battery for the back.

Very stout amp on proper electrical , that sub should have held that power , but it all depends on your gain level and your head unit adjustments as well , you could have been feeding it dirty or Distorted power . Heard good stuff about northstar batts as well ! .

Poor subwoofer.

But good choice on the second battery.

How come you don't like the 9515? Also ordered sky high 1/0 ofc wires

Very stout amp on proper electrical , that sub should have held that power , but it all depends on your gain level and your head unit adjustments as well , you could have been feeding it dirty or Distorted power . Heard good stuff about northstar batts as well ! .

Yeah I had just got the m2b and it is my stock alternator and one battery up front. I also hear good things. I got it new for 250 shipped

How come you don't like the 9515? Also ordered sky high 1/0 ofc wires

Never meant I don't like it, just saying it's a poor thing that it got fried. :D

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Well my 9515 is at the dd warehouse getting rebuilt. In the meantime in the mail came my northstar agm battery and my 1/0g wire. I pulled out my 4g wire today and realized the new wire isn't going to fit in the same spot. I ran it through a grommet on the firewall that the hood release cable goes through. Should.I drill a 1" hole and get a grommet for it? Or is there another spot I'm not seeing? Would.prefer to stick with the drivers side. It sucks because it's so hot.out and everything under the hood I touch is hot as Hell.
