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New to site from WA


May 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Spokane Valley, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Eddie Bauer
We have a 1997 Explorer Eddie Bauer:navajo:, 302, AWD, automatic. My gf actually asked me to do a small lift on it. I'm thinking 4" lift and 31"-33" tires. Something mild, similar to what I'm doing with my Scout II. THe Explorer would be a pavement princess.

I originally came to the site when we first got the truck, came back today because the lights weren't turning off for a little bit and killed the battery twice. After some searching, found the "Auto Lights Delay" switch, and hopefully that salved the problem.

Anyways, I'm not new to forums and not new to Fords. I had a 96 F-150 for years that I loved dearly. That's what led my gf to getting the Explorer. I'll most likely just be a lurker on the site, and chirp up once in a while.

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Looks like I should have read som more. Looks like it will be milder than I expected, with only add-a-leafs and a torsion bar lift. And 31's are just fine.

Looks like I should have read som more. Looks like it will be milder than I expected, with only add-a-leafs and a torsion bar lift. And 31's are just fine.

You say that now, but I guarantee you hang out here long enough it will have 33" on it.

I have a '97 Mountaineer and will be going from 31x10.5x15 with no lift to 33x12.5x15 with TT AAL/shackle and fender trimming.

Next year I plan on doing the 4406 transfer case switch.

Woohoo, more people from Washington :thumbsup: For all the expos and Mountys I see up here there doesn't seem to be that many people who are members here.

Woop woop! Washington!:D :thumbsup:
