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New to the forum


October 4, 2009
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Rapid City, SD
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Hey, i've been on TRS for a while now, but have no Ranger, and wanted more exploder info, so figured I would join

This is my 2nd explorer, my first one was a 91, that I bored .020 over, ported the heads, and did a k&n filter, full flowmaster exhaust, m5od trans, 2in skyjacker coils, 3in add-a-leaf lift in the rear, with a 3in body lift, and 32in bridgestone dueler m/t's but I sold it a couple years ago.

My new explorer is a 94 and I just blew out the trans, and that was a freaking nightmare, probly one of the worst trans swaps i've ever had to do, A4LD, I did the clutch in my old one a couple times, and it was super easy. The cooler lines really sucked, I just put some 32" BFG A/T'S on American racing rims, currently no lift, it's just a winter snow machine for the wife and kids.

Well, that's about it, haha. Look forward to checking out the forum, thanks.

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...Welcome aboard...:biggthump


welcome to the site

Good luck with your '94.
