New wheels for XLS 2wd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New wheels for XLS 2wd

I'm in the market for a nice set of wheels for my 04 XLS 2wd and I think I've found the ones I want. They're 18x9 w/ 5.97" back spacing
Here's a pic,.....

On the tires, I'm wanting to to stay with something close to the stock 29" high 235/70R16. I'm considering two different sizes ( 255/55R18 , 285/50R18 )

I would like the larger size of course, but I don't want to get into any rubbing or clearance issues, nor do I want to use spacers

Does anyone know if this larger tire would work on my application w/ 1.6" Ground Force lowering springs,......or would I be best to go with the smaller size?

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those are about the exact size of my wheels. I have 255/55r18's on my 00 merc. My mom has a 04 xlt witht he factory 17's and they look to be a 30-31'' tie. 255/55r18's might be a little small on your truck unless you get a real meaty tires like the falken ziex st's. If I were you I would go with somehting at least a 255/55r18 or taller. What is the main priority for this? handleing? looks? to you want the tires to fill the wheel well? do yuo go off road?

boominXplorer said:
those are about the exact size of my wheels. I have 255/55r18's on my 00 merc. My mom has a 04 xlt witht he factory 17's and they look to be a 30-31'' tie. 255/55r18's might be a little small on your truck unless you get a real meaty tires like the falken ziex st's. If I were you I would go with somehting at least a 255/55r18 or taller. What is the main priority for this? handleing? looks? to you want the tires to fill the wheel well? do yuo go off road?

The stock size that came on it is a 235/75R16, which is 28.95" tall. I was wanting a tire that was fairly close to the same height. 285/50R18 is 29.22" high, I could live with the 1/4" taller in height. I just don't want to go much taller for a couple of reasons,.....#1, I plan on lowering it 1.6" with Ground Force Coils,.....#2, I don't want to hurt the performance (gearing) by going to a taller tire,.....not to mention the fact that the speedometer would be off.

And No,......I don't go off-road. Highway only,....that's why I bought a 2wd model. :D

The 285 will look better on the 9 inch rim. Toyo makes a 275/55/18 (29.8 overall dia.) that would look great on it. Alittle fuller wheel well without messing to much with gearing. I am running that on the back of my 96 on an 18x10. Tire looks a little narrow for the 10 but would be great for a 9. I love the Toyo proxses S/T tires, I have been running them on the Lightning for years.

N2FORD said:
The 285 will look better on the 9 inch rim. Toyo makes a 275/55/18 (29.8 overall dia.) that would look great on it. Alittle fuller wheel well without messing to much with gearing. I am running that on the back of my 96 on an 18x10. Tire looks a little narrow for the 10 but would be great for a 9. I love the Toyo proxses S/T tires, I have been running them on the Lightning for years.

After doing a little more research, I think I'm going to go with the 285/50R18.
This is the same size tire that John V is using on the silver X @ Explorer Express.
Thanks for the sugesstions

Hey David,......are you going to the H/L TruckFest in Topeka this weekend?

pretty slick, how much they run?

Not going, that is to far for me. My truck will run mid 13's in the 1/4. 93whitelightnin has two, one stock and one race. What is your race one running now?

N2FORD said:
93whitelightnin has two, one stock and one race. What is your race one running now?

Well, was running pretty good until 3 weeks ago when I was doing a little T & T about 1/2 mile from my house,......It lost all of the oil pressure at 6000 rpm. :mad: Ruined two rods, the crank, and all the bearings. I was planning on going,...but not now.

I'd say it was putting down somewhere around 550-600 to the wheels. ;)

Sorry to hear that!!! Now build it back bigger and better.
