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Newbie looking for help with lift


September 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Modesto, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4x4
I just bought a 2000 XLT 4x4. I want to lift it and put on 31" tires. I won't be doing much offroading, just to go snowboarding, etc. I would like a 4" suspension lift, but don't want to spend $2k+. Doesn't look like anyone makes a 3 or 4" body lift for the 2000 either. After some research I found this site. Everyone seems to be really helpful so here goes.

I think I am going to do the TT up front, with AAL and warrior shackles #153 in the rear. If I'm correct, this will give up to but not more than 2" in the front and about 2" in the rear. First question, are there sizes on the AAL, if so what would I look for? Does anyone see a problem with doing these mods? Anything to look out for? Will 31's fit without any problems? Any tips are greatly appreciated? Thank you all in advance.

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yep thats the way to go, and the cheapest.

Is there anything else I could do to get lift along these lines? Would I need to get new shocks?

a body lift but its alot harder and takes alot more time to install. no you dont have to get new shocks either way. but with the tt/aal it wouldnt hurt to get new ones. but not needed.

You don't need new shocks with 2 inches or less. Oh and 31's would probably fit without lifting and maybe only minor rub on the swaybar or something, And welcome to the site!

So new shock would be good, but not needed. got it. How about getting 32's after the mods. Any problem with that? Also, probably better to do the shackles and AAL then level the front match, right? I think so.

Also, are there sizes on the AAL? Which one or brand do you recommend? Thanks.

id just do the aal in rear unless it sags really bad right now. 32's your gonna have to trim alot. aal arent different sizes.

At stock right now, the front is higher than the rear. So it sounds likes shackles too. Know where to get the warrior shackles 153 and the AAL's. Thanks.

Thanks for all your help. I knew when I found this site I would get some answers. Thanks again. I plan on doing these mods ASAP.

great. dont forget to post some pics.

I just ordered the shackles, but I'm finding a hard time finding the AAL's. Got any recommendations? Anyone? Thanks.

I am not going to gurantee you that you can do this or suggest it but you might be able to fit 32's if you keep stock rims after you do the TT/aal/shackles. I know that Digger196 did this and I did this also. I didn't like my stock rims so I bought new 15x8 rims in a backspace of 3.25 and I had a WHOLE lot of rubbing. I had to cut some of the inner fender plastic and remove some plastic peices do make them work. I also did a 1" body lift to make em work. Again I can't suggest it but it could be done like I said if you keep the stock rims. Oh and I am not sure about where to get the aal because I got mine in a kit. I know that parts numbers have been mentioned before so if you search a little more you should find it.

At stock right now, I just ordered the warrior shackles, AAL, going to do the TT when my parts get in. I think I am also going to do Kumho Venture MT 31x10.5 with a set of 15x8 Monster mods series 87 black steel wheels. That should get me away from the standard looking X's on the road.
