Newbie Question about 4x4. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbie Question about 4x4.


July 28, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Inland Empire //\\ High Desert, S. Cali
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport
I just bought a '92 Explorer Sport 4x4. I've never owned a 4x4 vehicle before, and Ive been told that I should do my everyday driving in "low range" or 2wd (I think). The problem is, the little lights next to the selector on the dash dont work, so I cant tell which mode its in, or if its switching correctly. Is it easy to replace these lights, or is there an easy way for me to tell which mode I am in??? Thanks in advance.

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if you attempt to drive in low range on the road not only will you top out at 25mph you'll blow something up as well.

easiest way to tell if the 4wd works is to stick your head under the truck and look

Well, since I dont know what Im looking for, that wont do any good for me. And I think Ive been driving around in low range for 2 days, and its been fine.

You are not driving in low range, it would be VERY obvious that you were.

Have someone look under the truck while you are driving very slowly. Look to see if the front driveshaft is turning or not.

The "normal" everyday operating mode for a part-time 4WD vehicle like a '92 Explorer is 2WD High (2H). In this mode, power is only sent to the rear wheels.
For low traction situations, you put the transfer case in either 4wd high (4H) or 4wd low (4L). You can't use either 4wd mode on the street. In either 4wd mode, you are sending equal power to the front and rear wheels. Because the front and rear drivelines must spin at the same speed, you will create severe stress in the drivetrain when using either 4wd mode on the street. This stress will eventually break something.
4H is at the same "gear reduction" (that is to say -- none) as 2H. Only difference between 2H and 4H is the fact that the front end is engaged in 4H.
4L offers a significant gear reduction over 2H and 4H. This offers significant torque increase at the wheels, but also a significant reduction in top speed. If you were truly running in 4L on the street, you'd know that something was wrong.
Hope that helps you understand the basics of operating a part time 4wd.
Note that, if the lights on the dash don't work, then there are also lights on the switches to indicate when the truck is in 4H and 4L.

Thank you for the detailed description. Next question. Other than the buttons on the dash that say "4x4" and "Low Range", how the hell do I change the setting? Like I said Ive never owned a 4x4, and Im sorry for the amatuer questions. Thanks.

to change from 2H to 4H, just stop and press the button 4X4. to switch into 4low, stop, place the car in neutral, and press "low range" both lights should light. also, one important thing is NEVER make tight turns in 4x4. This will cause your drivetrain components to bind and you could very seriously damage your vehicle.
All the best

EDIT - Also, when you press the 4x4 button, you should hear the "kerchunk" of the transfer case engaging the driveshaft. and when u move forward or backward you should be able to hear the autohubs engaging.

Also, IF you do engage 4wd on a gravel or snowy road, to dis-engage, push the buttons AND back up for 10-20 feet. This will also dis-engage the automatic locking hubs.

Read your owners manual carefully, it tells you these things and will help prevent costly damage.

Good luck

You've PROBABLY got the infamous shift motor problem, and you're not shifting into 4x4 mode. I just fixed this on my 91 X. Check out this site for more info:

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Well, Ive now done what I should have in the first place. I read most of the owner's manual, and I spent about 3 hours reading over that website. So, basically the shift motor for the 4x4 is just misaligned.... kind of? I already checked the wiring and fuses related to the electronic 4x4. Should I go ahead and remove and check the motor on the transfer case?

Did you read the part about disconnecting the shift module and then pressing the button on the bottom? That will tell you if it's in the shift motor or not.
