newer 4.0 in a 2000 explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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newer 4.0 in a 2000 explorer?

98 EB xploder

December 30, 2009
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer
i have a 2000 explorer and it has a seized motor and i have a guy who can put a 4.0 from an 06 explorer. has anyone done it? are there any differences between the older 4.0 and the new? thanks for any help

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you'll most likely need the newer PCM.

i mean theoretically the transfer case and tranny should be plug and play since it's control-trac, and still the 5r55 tranny.

Ok. Any improvements between the two motors? I was gonna get a new one from Jasper to drop in it but a friend said he can pun a newer 4.0 in there and save like $700

I've heard that the newer 4.0s didn't suffer from the timing chain fiasco.

I think there is a +5 HP gain as well. Not much.

I wholeheartedly support this project if you take it on. Anything to breath life into our aging second gens.

Just have to reuse your old intake, wiring and acc. brackets on the newer Block. everything else bolts right up.

Remember to take lots of photos during the swap, I am interested to see if there is any noticeable issues and/or performance changes.
