O/D light flashing + feels like 4wd Lo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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O/D light flashing + feels like 4wd Lo



Suddenly today our 97 Explorer AWD (Eddie Bower) decided to have another weird problem - started it up and put it in drive and it made a whining noise as I started to drive, like it was in 4wd Lo (but it was in "Auto" mode). I also noticed that it was shifting quicker than usual, also furthering the symptom of being in 4wd lo. I pulled off to the side of the road, put it in Neutral, then cycled the 4wd switch a few times, and noticed that it wouldn't give me a 4wd lo light (foot on brake, tried both Park and Neutral). Finally gave up, put it in Auto, then Drive, and there was NO ENGAGEMENT in the transaxle. It just sat there. It actually made a rattling sound when I tried to put it in park (like the transmission had been spinning, but not the transaxle... So it rattled when it tried to put the pin in to lock the tranny into Park). After cycling the key off and on a few times, eventually after sitting there for a few minutes, I got it to actually give me a 4wd Lo indicator, and the drivetrain felt like it engauged. I put it back into 4wd Hi and then Auto, but it still feels like it's in 4wd lo. Drove it home - slowly... And also noticed that the O/D light is constantly flashing...

Any ideas? A couple of months ago, we had a similar problem with the 4wd system (turned out to be a front transaxle speed sensor), only it was blinking the 4wd and 4wd Lo lights on the dash with a count of 6. This time its the O/D Off light, and it's constantly blinking...
Thanks for any help,

Oh, yeah (in case it might be related), two days ago, out of the blue, I tried to raise the drivers window, and it only went up in intervals - also blinking one of the dash lights as it would temporarily stop the window from raising... Did that for about 5 minutes (I kept trying it by raising and lowering the window), and then it mysteriously went away after about 15 minutes...

This thing is cursed...

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do a search for O/D light flashing...your'e not gonna be happy.


Two things come to mind: 1) General Electronics Module (GEM) and 2) transfer case shift motor.

1) The GEM is the common thread between your power windows and four wheel drive system. It controls both of these as items as well as a couple of others.

2) I removed my transfer case shift solenoid a year and a half ago to clean my speed sensors. The first time I used 4WD since doing it, when I went to put it back in 4WD Auto after spending about 20 miles in 4x4 Low, it made a loud "whirring" sound that was related to the speed I was going. I pulled over to the side of the road. When sitting there, the noise was gone. I revved it up in Park and no noise. I put it in Reverse to back up and when I did the noise was there and it acted like I was in Neutral. I put it in Park and shut it off and restarted it. I tried everything again and everything worked properly for the rest of the day. The next couple of times over the next several months that I used 4x4 Low again, the first time during the day that I used it, I got the same loud "wirring" sound without it either going into Low or sometimes not coming out. Eventually I never heard it again and haven't now for the last year or so. The only thing I can think of is I didn't get the transfercase shift solenoid back in its exact position when I put it back together. Eventually it sorted itself out. It sounds like yours might be sticking or moving into a position it shouldn't be in.

Thanks Robert,
Here's the best part - we were actually at a dealer when all of that happened - testdriving a VW 4-motion wagen, for which we were going to trade in the Explorer (sorry everyone...). I figure in their process of evaluating the trade-in, they must have cycled it through all of the 4wd modes - that might have been the first time it was put in 4wd Low (and driven for more than 10 feet) since the front transfer case speed sensor had been replaced from the previous problem. This would make our symptoms match yours pretty closely. I just asked our service advisor (who may not really know, but always pretends like he does) if the mechanic might have removed the transfer case shift solinoid when he did that previous work - he said that he wouldn't have done that... But, if the GEM module also controls the windows, it sure sounds like that may be my real culprit. Hmm... maybe I'll just go replace that myself... Anyone have a good description on replacing the GEM Module? I've heard it's a bear to get to (behind the dash somewhere...).

SSIKORA - I had done a search on the O/D flashing before I posted, but it sounded like most of those posts didn't also include the transfer case problems that I'm also having. Sounded more like a solinoid that went bad inside the auto-trans...

There is absolutely no way to replace the front transfer case speed sensor without removing the shift solenoid so I definately wouldn't rule that out. If there is I would like to know how since it would have saved me a lot of trouble. The solenoid is right up against the front sensor. There isn't room to get a wrench up their and not enough room to even get your fingers on it, let alone pull it out without removing the solenoid.

i just replaced my tranny. when it went out the o/d light was flashing me.

I had the O/D flashing for about four months, took the truck to tire plus to check my "check Engine light" shop advised can position sensor. After removing the cam position sensor shop advised that the cam position unit was broken. Well to make a long story short $634.00 for the job and two and a half days later oh plus a trannie flush. The O/D seems to have gone away so far...

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