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OE fog light retrofit question/clarification

Makes sense. I'm a bit apprehensive about doing the electronic 4406 because of wiring issues although seems reasonably documented now. I like the idea of electronic because I assume it's more plug and play but if it's a nightmare I may as well go balls out and manual trans swap while I'm doing manual 4406. Go big or go home right?

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You don't need a manual trans the manual t case will be a lot easier to install than an electronic one if your trying to retro fit. And will be less problematic without all the electrical issue headaches my 4wd lights have been flashing randomly again when I shift into 4wd the brown wire mod lucky overrides the gem and still gives me what i want but still it's annoying and it's all electrical related the tcase is fine.

I see. So yours is the electronic 4406? Few posts I read made it sound plug and play with the right case and supporting parts. Guessing not? Wasn't planning to do brown wire mod.

I have a 4405 for the v6 explorers v8 explorers only came with 2wd or AWD so adapting the 4wd system from a completely different vehicle like an f150 I'm not quite sure would be plug and play. But then again I'm not real familiar with all the 5.0 mods and swaps as I've always dealt with the v6 drivetrains. But trust me a manual swap is what you want there would be zero wiring or changing anything electrical. Cutting a small hole next to the console to have the shifter come up into the cab and install a boot which you can pull all that from your donor vehicle the swap could be done in a day probably without too much hassle. Just look up 4406 manual swap on this forum. There has been a ton of people that have done it .

Thanks for the advice. I've read over several swap threads. Haven't made up my mind what direction I'd like to go. It's my daily driver so I would prefer to keep it as trouble free as possible but get better mpg and add a little more zest to my commute. Custom catback and intake first then likely I'll start 4406 of whatever sorts. I was going to get driveshafts soon, thusly the fog light questions while I'm there. My big apprehension with manual t case was that I've heard linkage is hard to find.

Yes as far as the linkage that's the only thing I'm worried about when I'm inevitably going to have to do the 1354 swap myself only with the 1354 I'm going to have to probably get out of another Explorer and the first gen explorers are hard to find in the junkyard especially ones that are four wheel drive with the manual t-case the last few times I was there they only had one first gen explorer and it was auto shift but yours should be a little bit more easy to find since the 4406 was used in the F150. Just curious is there information you found on doing the electronic shift 4406 swap for the Explorer? I always figured that most people go manual and the electronic shift would be a major PITA.

I've not seen any more of either manual vs electronic. My limited research says you need appropriate year tod relay, t case, gem module and harness for t case motor then rest is same. I'm unsure about wiring now after this fog light debacle. Need to find factory wiring diagrams next and I'll feel more confident about how all goes together.

The BW4406 TOD version(like the 4405 TOD of the V6 trucks), for a 302 truck requires new wiring for the power circuit from the engine harness to the dash wiring. That's the tricky part that isn't in the non 4WD trucks. The rest is bolt on, but you have to swap to a shorter gas tank due to the shift motor of the TOD TC. The threads here on the forum document every part needed, except that special wiring that is not in the 2WD or AWD trucks. That's the only part I haven't researched, I think that'll come down to wiring diagrams to identify the circuits(only a couple of wires I think), and how to find them in a 4WD harness at the JY. I plan to get the proper wires and add them to my AWD truck, not cut and splice them.

I've not seen any more of either manual vs electronic. My limited research says you need appropriate year tod relay, t case, gem module and harness for t case motor then rest is same. I'm unsure about wiring now after this fog light debacle. Need to find factory wiring diagrams next and I'll feel more confident about how all goes together.

Yes, you would need the proper module for the TOD, 4WD, and GEM, plus the short TC harness under the car, but also the wires between the engine/trans harness, and the dash. The last part is the undocumented part.

Hmm. Doesn't sound as simple as I assumed. Makes sense why manual is suggested to be easier. Have to see how things go.

The TOD system is asking for trouble any way you'll know what i mean when you start having trouble with flashing 4wd lights with a manual as long as the linkage is intact and the internals aren't broken you'll never have any trouble with the electronic system there are sensors, position contacts, wiring, relays,bcm problems, fuses, connectors, motors, etc..... That can all have issues and cause a irritating headache, plus I'd rather pull a lever and go then turn a knob and wait for a computer to tell me I'm good and if it senses any problems bam flashing lights meaning sorry try again later lol the brown wire mod is a must for the control trac system especially if you do any 4 wheeling, with the brown wire mod you can override the bcm and manually apply or cut power to the clutch coil. Plus it gives you added modes like it gave me full time 4hi and 2 lo in my 96.

I was leaning more towards electronic because I assumed there would be less problems using the same 4wd system it was intended for. Guess I didn't realize the factory system was such poo. I'll definitely be working towards a manual shift setup. Brings me to ask then do the front hubs disconnect in 2wd or just the front t case output?

Most people have little trouble with the TOD systems, but at nearly 20 years old don't assume things will be as reliable as when new. The answer is not to condemn them, but to rebuild or service them as proper maintenance dictates. Abusing things off-road is another thing, hard use trucks don't go flawlessly through 20 years without issues. The electronics are fairly reliable, the shift motors are wise to get rebuilt etc. Take care of your stuff, don't wait for it to die and then bad mouth everything because it'd crap, it's not.

Its not crap it has (mine) been abused for a long time off road I'm not going to lie I do like 4auto on the beach because it's just like driving a 2wd until you need it and the transition to four-wheel drive is pretty smooth and I usually don't feel any clunks or the things that some people say they experience but with the complexity of the electronic system you can't say that it's just as reliable as a shift lever I've had problems with it that have come and gone but all in all it has served me well if the rebuild for the 4405 wasn't so expensive and they didn't have problems with the shift Fork wearing into the case and what not then I would stick with the 4405 because I like the brown wire mod and the capabilities that it gives you but when it finally bites the dust and I'm sure I will see that day probably sooner than later because like I said the cost of rebuild and possibly having to get new case shells and everything that could run up to a close to $1,000 which at that point you might as well buy a remanufactured unit I could get a used 1354 t-case from the junkyard and a manual setup which all in all doesn't have the nice features that my 4405 has but it's more ideal for my needs because I do abuse my Explorer and consider it a trail rig and a toy and not a daily driver but for a daily driver the 4405 is not bad , but because anything from a dirty sensor to corroded contacts on the shift motor can cause the entire system not to work. Idk I would personally rather have the manual set up. And not have to bother with all the wiring involved but that's my opinion if you are more comfortable with working with electronics then a Sawzall then by all means pick what you think is best for you like I said I would stick with my electronic 4405 if rebuilding them didn't cost so much which I feel it's probably going to need here within the next few years.

Explorers stopped having any kind of front axle or Hub disconnect after the 96 model year with the V6 control Trac 4 wheel drive everything beyond that is a live axle so it would be the front drive shaft that disconnects you can do a manual hub conversion or you can swap in the center axle disconnect axle if you want but you don't have to do those things. It'll just save you a little bit if barely any MPG.

Great info. Thanks so much. I'm ok with doing the work in either case. My biggest constraint is time since this is my daily driver. Trying to see what is more likely to be completed in a weekend, maybe a day more or so. I'm not tickled with the fact there's no way to disconnect the front hubs completely. seems like wouldn't really save anything on mpg and wear, but I suppose if I were to swap solid axle later on that may fix that part.

Little background: I have had a sportscar project of some sort for the last 20 years and a few years 4wheeling a modified Samurai. At this point in my life I can't really afford a fun car, would just like to make my commuter a little less boring and if time/ money allows eventually get back into 4wheeling.

Assuming you have the v8 is it AWD? And is there anything wrong with the AWD tcase ? As a daily commuter I probably wouldn't bother with a 4406 swap you'll be fine with AWD for light wheeling. Either way it's going to be a hassle to do the conversion.

Yes AWD v8. Its all working fine. Just little bugs here and there due to age and dry rot, which I'll take care of. Probably right to leave it alone. Thanks.

Do that, change the TC fluid regularly(once a year), and catch up with the many wear parts. Then worry about upgrades. At this age, the list of parts that are old enough to replace, is rather long.
