OEM Radio / Cd Player compatibility | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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OEM Radio / Cd Player compatibility


Explorer Addict
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Ottawa, Ont
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XL
Having recently "converted" to a 96 explorer, I have been looking around to change out the existing radio / cassette player for an oem radio cd player. However, went to the local Ford dealerships (2 already), and they give me the line, "we can't tell which players are compatible from which years or trunk models" .... what???? Of course, not having run with an OEM radio in any vehicle for years and years, I can't understand this, perhaps its a ford thing or auto makers in general. Don't know but it sounds funny. So my question is how does one go about finding out what OEM models of radio / CD players fit existing harnesses or is it a "pure luck" situation? It makes it pretty difficult to pickup any units from private sellers that are upgrading to nonstock players. Thanks for any tips on what to look for or where to look.

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By "oem", I meant "ford oem" radios / cd players.... as in will a 99 ford explorer player "mate" with 96 wiring? and fit the face plate hole? I know.... the aftermarkets are better but I am tired of the "conversion panel" look on these "fat" faceplate vehicles. Anyways, thanks for the crutchfield pointer, it will probably useful in the future.

usually it is the connectors on the back.. as long as they are the same.. they change with each radio and with different years.


This is a sticky article in the Audio forum. It gives some good info.


thanks rodeo joe.... bad me, I didn't poke around enough although I did search thru a number radio/player threads.

95 and 96 also had a 1.5 DIN radio..that was big at the front and small in the rear.....That is why newer radios won't fit.

Crankcase said:
95 and 96 also had a 1.5 DIN radio..that was big at the front and small in the rear.....That is why newer radios won't fit.

That, and the wiring changed between '97 and '98. My truck is an early build '98, but it got '97 audio system wiring, so I have an amp in the rear quarter panel. Most '98's and, all later models had the amplifier integrated into the radio.

Thanks.... I am still trying to make "sense" out of the "quick reference" in audio. As indicated, the 96 (and others) have limited mention. I have the premium radio cassette player, so I am wondering if the midline 97 cd has a built-in amp or not....I think it does if I understand the reference. Its a f87f - 18c815 type thing. It appears from the back picture (its an ebay radio) that one connector (gray) is the same while the other (long black) isn't. I guess I need to move / ask this in the audio forum.

Crankcase said:
95 and 96 also had a 1.5 DIN radio..that was big at the front and small in the rear.....That is why newer radios won't fit.

big enough to allow 2 single din units to fit nice in the opening....
the radio does get smaller in the rear but still a double din opening...

You might also check with some radio repair specialists. The people that fix the factory radios often know about some of the swap possibilities. Check with some that sell repair work on Ebay. Good luck,

Speaking of which, Royal Radio in Royal Oak MI is the most knowledgable group of guys I've ever dealt with on OEM Ford stereos. If anyone knows, they do.

