Off Road Expo Oct. 8 & 9 (Sat. & Sun) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Off Road Expo Oct. 8 & 9 (Sat. & Sun)

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I think I'm going and I'll probably be hanging out at the Dezert Rangers booth for a while, have a few friends that will be working there.

I'm available either day but i'd prefer to go on Saturday.

I'm available either day but i'd prefer to go on Saturday.

I'll have to check with the wife, the kids have swimming lessons one of the days, but can't remember which

Saturday is good:thumbsup: Let's shoot for that:D

Stic-o and myself have met others at the park and ride and carpooled in to save money on parking in past years.
Anyone interested in doing this post up, the Expo opens at 9am this year so i'm thinking meet at the park and ride around 8:30ish.

I havent been since 2008, I have been wanting to get back for a while. I am really tempted this year because JR's new Ultra4 car is supposed to be on display but I have to save up for a trip in November. Have fun and take pictures of the cool stuff!

I am going to try and meet up with you guys at the Park and ride 8:30 ish

I'd like to go this year, but I'm planning on allocating most of my poor truck's pittifully small quantity of earmarked mod dollars to Brandon (BTF) shortly, so I probably can't make it :( :) (socially sad, truck glad!).

Expo is marked on the calendar, but I can't be sure if I can make it until a day or two before :shrug:

If you planned on buying tix online I wouldn't bother. $1.75 service charge is added so you save a whopping 25 cents after all is said and done:rolleyes:

If you planned on buying tix online I wouldn't bother. $1.75 service charge is added so you save a whopping 25 cents after all is said and done:rolleyes:

Yeah but you don't have to wait in line:D

Need to find someone giving them away:rolleyes:

I won some off the radio a few years ago.

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we are going Sat parking in the handicap zone!
Sometimes it pays to be broken!
