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Off to the dark side...

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FST used the electric steps on a lot of their builds. Pretty cool.

When do you plan on installing the lift?

The sliders are rock damage resistant.. they are very heavy, and built out of 1/4, with another 1/4 protector. Make them for Bronco's also..

The lift kit? I don't know yet. Currently, it's a daily driver, have things to get done, and so, probably September.. Once that's done, finding someone to do the re-gearing around here that isn't exorbitant but competent is the hard part. I could by the tools to do them..

Man, I like that color!

Jeep Amped Yellow | All Powder Paints® if I ever need anything powder coated.. :)

Well, we sold off my wife's daily driver, so she was driving the jeep until we got her a replacement (had to wait for the market to settle down). Finally, started the work to install the lift kit - a Teraflex ST3 kit, with the Falcon 3.3 shocks. Instructions say 10 hours for a single person to install.



I hate doing suspension work on angled driveways.

Does that ten hours include multiple breaks to stretch out old muscles and the 30 seconds it takes to get off the ground?

That's 10 hours on a 2 post lift. Me, I'll feel lucky to have it back together by Monday..

Can't wait to hear how this turned out 💪

Well, day two, and Teraflex instructions kinda suck.. in that, you get a set of instructions for different part of the kit, because.. it's a set of kits, not a single kit.
So you will be doing good.. and then whamo - you open a box, find yet another kit with instructions.

It's getting there, front is almost complete except for two items - there's exhaust spacers to keep the drive shaft from hitting the exhaust, and the new track bar is too short but it has adjusters on it.

Rear end another day..

Just think about how much money your saving. And, your not paying some mental midget with 1/10 of your mechanical skills to screw up your Jeep.

Yea, that's coming, need to do a gear change, and it's either I buy all the tools and do it myself, or hire it out..

Also thinking of upgrading the axle shafts at the same time to stronger stuff.

And now...

Still some minor stuff to do like put the rear sway bar links back on. They was rubbing on the stock rims and tires..



Internal bead locks?

I Love the colors! Wheels are super nice

No, no bead locks - they are the teraflex nomad series, that have knurling in the bead area to help hold them on. The red caps are protector for the valve stem on one side, and an automatic deflator on the other side.

Ahhhhh I assumed the second valve was for the inflatable internal beadlock dealios

Wheels came out good. How are you liking the Sliders? Curious how they came out. They were pretty trick.

Wheels came out good. How are you liking the Sliders? Curious how they came out. They were pretty trick.

Love them. They make it so much easier to get in/out of the vehicle, especially with the 37's.

Well, a few weeks ago, the JKUR was regeared to 5.13's. Flat towed the JKUR using just the Superduty down and back from the shop.

We are now in the break-in period, about 200 of 500 miles done.

When that's done, it's time for tire rotation (every 4 to 5k miles), oil change, gear lube change, change the diff covers, thinking of using lube-lockers for the diff covers.

And it's been raining like crazy the past few weeks, so nothing is getting done..

We was at local Trader Joe's, and found this fellow on the door handle a few weeks ago.


Dude, you got ducked!! Shame, shame.....

I quit using RTV on different covers when I discovered Lube Locker gaskets a few years ago. I also use them on transmission pans. No leaks, even on my Explorer diffs that have been reused at least four times.

That was the problem.

I just do not have the time to fab anything, let alone design it!

Sigh. I love the design/build/break it, but $$$ and time dictate other things..
Then you shouldn’t have bought a jeep. I did the same thing and I’m hanging onto my 05 Explorer, regardless as a back up vehicle. No one tell you what jeep stood for?? “Just Empty Every Pocket”. Whether it’s for a repair and add-on or an upgrade…… It never ends.

Hit 100k miles today.


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My Ram is averaging about the same mileage. It's' a 2003 and it just hit 200,000. The 7000lb Ram gets better mileage though. ;)
