Official RockRanger/Jefe Dr. Pepper thread... | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Official RockRanger/Jefe Dr. Pepper thread...

Your too late, I sent this to Rockranger a few days ago.

On another note, we're traveling through Texas next month and my kids asked if we could go to the Dr. Pepper museum.

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Had me a Dr. Pepper shake today. Pretty good.


Had me a Dr. Pepper shake today. Pretty good.

View attachment 443101
I'd def try that! If we only had a Whataburger. What is it with the Dr. Pepper here, it's my fave drink also! That and Walmart's version Dr. Thunder (IMO actually slightly better, LOL) Yeah, somebody should bring Whataburger and In N Out to Wisconsin, already!

I spent a day in Waco, including at the Dr. P Museum, where I got a Dr. P float (old school -- ice cream, seltzer, and syrup). And a bunch of Dr. P swag. Cool place!

Edit -- to add, I also dug the 7UP display. As a kid, I had Spot for NES. It has been long lost to a Goodwill donation, but it was fun to see the little guy I forgot about.

It’s Peeps time of the year again…



I heard the coconut one is very coconuty.

There was a full pallet of it on the sales floor at a WM I deliver to. It was gone in under two days.
