Oh Happy Day | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oh Happy Day


March 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited
I just picked up my new limited. Ordered 2/19/11 built 3/17/11 and delivered on 3/30/11 about 6 weeks. I got it in Candy Red Clearcoat and Black interior w/302A and Moon Roof & Tow Packages. It really is nicer in person than all the photos and videos show and great to drive. I guess It will take about a week or two to understand the Controls, Settings, Sync and My Ford Touch features. I had no problems with my dealer Chapman Ford in Philadelphia or salesman Tom Brown. I highly recommend them both. Also a thanks to Cory for getting back to me on FB with info about the X. This is my first Ford product since my 94 Mercury Cougar. The only downer is that it cost more than my first house back in the late 70's.

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Congrats! That seems really fast. I wonder how long in a small east Texas town? Enjoy, I hope the weather is pretty for you this weekend!

This will be only my 2nd new vehicle I've ever purchased. I'm looking forward to everything the Ex has to offer, but paying the loan seems like I'm paying for a house. I just keep telling myself, it's only 5 years.

We just got the call tonight that our new Ex is at the dealership prepped and ready for pickup in the morning. My wife can barely contain her excitement. We really have become a Ford family the last few years. In 2005 I bought an Escape after having one as a company car. That got traded in on a 2008 limited Edge, which went in for my new 2011 Edge Sport. Now with an Explorer I guess we really do qualify as true blue ovals. And to think that last year I saw the Explorers on the dealer lot and thought, "That's the last truck I would ever consider buying".

oh how I battled over the Explorer or the Edge Sport! it's a gorgeous ride, and drives like a zippy little go cart! I've been driving a Mazda Tribute v6, so my zoom zoom factor is high. Ultimately, the roominess and nicer interior of the Explorer won out over the Edge. But that black Edge sport sitting at my dealers lot turns my head every time! you are lucky to have both in the family! lol

@Mike, I agree about the payment, mine is actually MORE than my house payment (which is just really really small). Its only 5 years, you're right. I drove my Tribute for over 8 years, so I'm good at paying off and driving for a while (as long as I get what I want--and I sure did with the Explorer)

Congrats jjs461:) Ordered mine 2/11, was built 3/24 and synced 3/25. ETA is tom. but I haven't heard anything from my dealer as of yet. I got the Ingot Silver XLT with moonroof, power lift and tow package!!!! Can hardly wait.. Tom.will be 7 weeks but I was originally told 12 so I wont complain too much :)

Congrats. I spent the first 3-nights sitting in the driveway with several cold ales in the cupholder getting all the systems down. I'm getting good with the Sync commands, and can whip thru all the functions like a pro. I can't wait to drive mine every morning. You'll love it.

now THAT sounds like a plan, Boss!

oh how I battled over the Explorer or the Edge Sport! it's a gorgeous ride, and drives like a zippy little go cart! I've been driving a Mazda Tribute v6, so my zoom zoom factor is high. Ultimately, the roominess and nicer interior of the Explorer won out over the Edge. But that black Edge sport sitting at my dealers lot turns my head every time! you are lucky to have both in the family! lol

I ordered a Black Edge Sport, build date is 4/4/11, then I told my dealer that I would rather have the Explorer for all the reasons you mentioned. My edge will still be built and dealer will put it on their lot and I will wait on the Explorer.

I'm so glade I was able to see the explorer drive past me on the expressway and rethink my choice! The Explorer will be a very functional vehicle!

I just picked up my new limited. Ordered 2/19/11 built 3/17/11 and delivered on 3/30/11 about 6 weeks. I got it in Candy Red Clearcoat and Black interior w/302A and Moon Roof & Tow Packages. It really is nicer in person than all the photos and videos show and great to drive. I guess It will take about a week or two to understand the Controls, Settings, Sync and My Ford Touch features. I had no problems with my dealer Chapman Ford in Philadelphia or salesman Tom Brown. I highly recommend them both. Also a thanks to Cory for getting back to me on FB with info about the X. This is my first Ford product since my 94 Mercury Cougar. The only downer is that it cost more than my first house back in the late 70's.



oh how I battled over the Explorer or the Edge Sport! it's a gorgeous ride, and drives like a zippy little go cart! I've been driving a Mazda Tribute v6, so my zoom zoom factor is high. Ultimately, the roominess and nicer interior of the Explorer won out over the Edge. But that black Edge sport sitting at my dealers lot turns my head every time! you are lucky to have both in the family! lol

Yes, we're very lucky with both vehicles being in our driveway. The Sport is Fun to drive. Its, just a blast. I love the paddle shifters, the look of the painted lowers and front and rear valences, and the 22" wheels just set off the whole package. I was in love as soon as I laid on it. In fact, from seeing it, to driving it, to buying it was 4 days. When it was back at my dealer I saw a new Ex and then brought my wife in to look at it.

The Ex is NICE! My wife loves it! And since she works so hard with the kids all day, I'm happy to see her happy in the truck that she wanted. I guess since my last 4 purchases were Ford's we are now a Blue Oval Family.





Darn, just realized that our XLT has no dual programmed memory seats... between that and the keyless start I'm wondering if I should've just bit the bullet and got a limited....

That's one thing that my XLT doesn't have either and I wish it did. Loved the programmable seats since my wife is almost a foot shorter than I am.

I guess its not such a big deal, she'll drive it 95% of the time...its just a glaring contrast to the Edge.

I ordered a Black Edge Sport, build date is 4/4/11, then I told my dealer that I would rather have the Explorer for all the reasons you mentioned. My edge will still be built and dealer will put it on their lot and I will wait on the Explorer.

I'm so glade I was able to see the explorer drive past me on the expressway and rethink my choice! The Explorer will be a very functional vehicle!

Very exciting! I agree that the Explorer is going to be a very functional vehicle. Must admit *whispers* out of our SUV/Crossover vehicle line up, the Explorer is definitely my fave! Great choice!

