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Take this for what it is worth. It is my opinion that the 3,000 mile oil change is a marketing gimmic. My 91 Escort has 163,000 miles on it and I probably average 7-10,000 miles between oil & filter changes. My 92 Explorer has 116,000 miles and I average 6-8K miles between changes, same with my 91 Bronco which has 80K miles.

My dad was an engineer at Ford's for 37 years and did lots and lots of performance testing on engines. He was one of the consulting engineers for the "Ask Smokey" column in Popular Mechanics magizine. Part of his job was to test and approve oils and additives. This is what he found: most name brand oils are pretty much the same, synthetics are marginaly better than regular oil, oil additives (STP, Slick 50 and others) do nothing to increase performance or longevity, and the 3,000 mile oil change is a marketing ploy invented by oil companies and supported by the car manufacturers because it lessens their complaints due to engine failure. It also has increased dealer revenue.

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Thats a given!!! And your absolutely right about those additives like Slick 50 and durolube. I would never put teflon in an engine, if it was meant to be in an engine the manufacturer would put it in!

The only thing I ever used was QX, which manufacturers do use, but they don't want the consumers to know! :D

I finally found all my old documentaion on it, and I will get it all on a website so you can all check it out. This stuff is awesome.

Just a heads up. I only have about 400 miles to go until the first sample is taken and the filter is replaced. i just had 1 question. WHen I add the new quart of oil after I install the new filter I have to put Royal Purple back in in order to keep the test accurate, don't I? The problem is I don't have any Royal Purple and don't know where to get any....any suggestions?

Go to CarPartsOnSale.com. This link will take you directly to Royal Purple they have for sale. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Just wanted to say thanks for the info. My wife says thanks for the night out ... from oil change savings!

Oil change _ chem lab tested

Hello Everyone,
Since this group is costing me $$, I'll toss my input in.
Tested a 91 4x4x EB, now with 183K and a (shudder) D-50 with 196K on it. Both use Castrol Syntec with any filter that's on sale. Normally the oil and filter gets changed around 5K but before our senior chemist retired he did some testing to satisfy his, and our curiosity at work.
Our chem lab, unofficially ;-), tested oil for multiple vehicles when things were slow at night. My Syntec didn't show breakdown even at 17K before changing. Others ran Mobil 1 or Amsoil for over 20K. We all changed filters at intervals varying to over 7K. The person running Amsoil sent his somewhere to find out when to change his filter.
The D-50 had a new head gasket at 183K. The dealer stated
they couldn't believe the cleanliness and lack of wear for the mileage shown on the odometer.
While this will not serve as quantitative evidence to the group it may serve as a guide. As one that used natural oil in his 62 Mercury and other vehicles though it feels better changing oil more frequently.
Now if you're wondering how this group is costing me $$ as stated at the beginning...
You have 'made' me order a KKM, a Gibson CatBack system, and when I decide which suspension lift to order! Well, now you understand.

Ok, I sent the oil sample in. It should be shipped out today and get there tomorrow. i can't wait to see the results. The oil looked dark, but as long as they say it is still safe then i'll continue use. I'll keep you all posted.

Oil results in

Results came back with a "no action needed" state for the oil. I will run the oil another 5K miles and see if it still works.

What brand and viscocity of oil are you using? Brand of filter? I know the info is in the thread somewhere but just a reminder for convenience. Thank you.

Re: Oil results in

Originally posted by 95XLT
Results came back with a "no action needed" state for the oil. I will run the oil another 5K miles and see if it still works.

Travis, could you share some of the actual readings? I am particularly interested in your TBA count and oxidation and nitration.

I am running 10W-30 Royal Purple. The TBN count was 7.6. Oxedation was <1.0% and Nitration was 22.9%.

The old filter was a Fram Double Guard and the new is a Fram Tough Guard

The Royal Purple stuff is synthetic, right? I'm still very interested in a dino analysis. I believe Peter is doing one but it may be next decade before he drives far enough to have to change his oil....

Yes, the R/P is synthetic. After the R/P is dead i may try a Castrol Syntec blend test if anyone is interested in setting me up with the kits again.

New engine break in and plan

for those following this thread a question about switching to synthetics

After many months I finally have my new engine together.
Heres what I am doing/plan to do.
Filled it with Castrol 10w 30 to start it- fired right up ran it for about 20 min checked for leaks etc. let it cool, changed the filter.
Topped off the oil and am now 350 miles into driving 500 miles, at that point I am going to change the oil and filter using Castrol 10w30.
Plan to run that 1000 miles and then change the filter, and after another 1500miles change the oil and filter, using the 10w30 Castrol again.
After 3000 more miles(6000 from the start) I will change the oil and filter, at this point I plan a change to synthetics( most likely Mobil 1), the engine will have 6000 miles on it at this point- should be plenty of time for the engine to be broken in. Anyone know or think that I could change to synthetics at the 3000 mile mark? is 6000 too early?
Do you think Im changing the filter enough/too much.? Im thinking that even though the engine was cleaned ( and cleaned) there will still be some machining debris floating around, and as the new parts wear together some particles from that, so changing the filter(0,500,1500,3000,6000 miles)often would catch some of it. Anyone think I should be changing the filter more frequently to get rid of the machining leftovers?

Its my plan but looking for input yea or nea.

you're right, it's taking me a while to get those 3000 miles accumulated since my last oil change. Been sticking close to home for a variety of reasons (my wife's health, visitors). On top of that, our 15 year old dog had been in poor health for a few months. He died three weeks ago.
I'll be gone for two weeks on a trip to Ontario, Canada.
After that, I'm planning on a couple photography trips, so the mileage for the oil test should start accumulating soon.


i don't see why you can't use the synthetic from day 1, but i know changing it that often could get expensive. I would change over to synthetics at the 3,000 mile change if not earlier. I didn't think that synthetics couldn't be used for break in period as our neighbor's 98 Vette came from the factory filled with synthetic Mobil 1. The only reason I can thik of for not using it from start is cost, which is a large factor. So just do what you want. I don't think it matters.


It would not be a problem switching to a synthetic at 3000 miles. This is sufficient time for everything in your new motor to seat and break-in. Some of the test data I have seen with Mobil 1 suggest that it would not be problem using it during break-in. Maybe that's why GM can use it as a factory-fill.

oil changes

[i have used synthetics and change every 20,000 , my old car had 450,000 km and no problems . i don't even use ANY oil between changes . it's my 3rd truck using synthetics and no problems yet at 185,000 km .

[Edited by jerry989 on 10-22-2000 at 09:43 PM]

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Thanks for all the great replys. I have replaced my oil filter, but was wondering if I am supposed to take a second sample at 7,500 miles or 10,000 miles? Thanks
