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Operation: Smoke Signal


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Ok well now that I have some coffee starting to course through my veins, the day will start to re-open.

John, thanks for posting the vid and pictures I took lastnight, folks, in the first one where I'm in traffic, that would be the state capitol in the center of the back ground all lit up.

Tim, I know you wanted a vid of Black Sunshine, but they never played it, and they stopped about the first quarter of the show and Rob jumped everyone's **** that they couldn't rock out if they were all just holding phones in the air, and to put them away.

And it wasn't as huge of a show as they normally put on, no GoGo dancers, fire, and such :( but it was still badass!

As lot of references to, Werewolf Women of the SS, and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto.

Maybe they're getting old like me.

Jeff - :navajo:

WHAT! NO BLACK SUNSHINE! i would have been pissed! did he at least play anything from white zombie?

i just watched the vid of the blower, errr i mean the $3000 paper weight. isn't it comforting to know that just took out a matching #'s motor. i know now, IF i ever to s/c, i will run fast, and far away from that company!

Mmmmm....pretty sounds out of that blower.....










(words sung) "some of these pistons, are not like the other ones". can you say ouch! thats going to hurt the pocket book. how bad is the block, or can it be honed?

some chunks really got around in there huh?
Looks like it pinged a bit--
lets see the heads?

Per your request sir!!!

Driver's side head, which is the side that had the two bad pistons:


The close up of the worst chamber:


Passenger head:









Oooohhhh...Purty ring lands.....

That sucks Jeff...

Would that cause blow-by?

I find it kinda interesting that it looks like they all died in the same spot on the piston..

I find it kinda interesting that it looks like they all died in the same spot on the piston..

And per a discussion on the phone yesterday these are the two primary pistons that always take the beating when something like this happens.

Also, after doing so searching it is known that KB blowers, even as far back at the 1.7 have see higher than normal IAT temps, so if there is a problem as noted by another fellow technician, that if the blower has an issue then the temps will be even higher than that, and will saturate the intercooler, causing higher IAT's and the distinct, high probability, of detonation and engine failure due to this.

and I quote:
Now he has a VT built engine and decided to run the 15lbs of boost. Guess what? The KB cannot run 15lbs as advertised unless your running race fuel even with a professionally built engine. Why? because the blower temperatures were over 200 degrees. Many people on Modularfords.com have said the exact same thing. Also, I have not heard of 1 person who made the 507rwhp on 15lbs of boost as advertised by KB even with the 23 degrees of timing on 110 octane. No tuner here in Toronto recommends any more that 12lbs of boost max with the 1.7L blower.

Now of course this is a different blower we're running, but still it is noted in the KB install manual about critical intake temps and that there MUST be cold air inducted through the outside of the engine compartment, WTF??? then why does this kit come the way it's prepared????

Well, I guess we'll see what happens at this point, I also got a phone call late, late lastnight for a counter offer on a built short block to handle 1500hp, and hand built here in Texas, again, more phone convo's will commence today, this isn't anywhere far from over.

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So we're gonna take a short break from this while I get my duckies in a row, and figure out if I'm gonna build the Ford GT aluminum block up (we already have one), or get that pre built GT500 short block and go that route, either way I'm still waiting for all the cards to hit the table.

So with this being said we're leaving out to go to my friends company's 10th Anniversary ( http://www.mylrs.com/blogs/lrs/archive/2009/10/13/a-brief-history-of-lrs-1999-to-2009.aspx )up in the Dallas area (Ennis, Tx), so after Lori gets the GT500 all shined up, I going to wisk it off to the shop to put the SLP axle-back exhaust on it so it'll have a bit more of a bark from the pipes, and head out on the high way!!


And you know that I'll be getting some pictures so when we get back I'll post those up for your enjoyment, hope you all have a great weekend and we'll be back for more Operation: Smoke Signals after our short trip, cause this project is far from being done!!.



Jeff - :navajo:
