Out with the old, in with the new! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Out with the old, in with the new!


Typing Police
April 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
In the mug by Chitown
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 JEEP Wrangler
So the bronco was beyond what work I wanted to put into 'er to get it street legal. After for sale posts and no bites, I was bored and surfing Jeeps Unlimited (yea, you know where this is going.) I found a guy fairly local lookin for a wheelin bronco. After some talking we came to an agreement and I ended up with a 95 YJ on 33in LTBs! Best part of all, I can drive it every day. It's currently got the 4 banger, 5spd, 6in of lift, 4.88s lockers and a winch. Now, the ford connection, 78 F-150 axle! It was included in the deal as well as a cherokee D44 rear end. I also still have my 306 that may get swapped in with a T-5 and an atlas. BOOM! Done!

I doubt it'll be that easy, but one can dream, right?
Here's the first pics as I just unloaded an hour ago.

Project one is to herculine it when it warms up this week before winter begins.


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It's not setup, and that was a posibility... Haven't decided if i'm going to go fullwidth or not. If that's the case, I'm just gonna unload it, and go the 8.8 route.

Nice score Pete, now just trade the Jeep for an Explorer (should be an easy sale) and put those axles under it.

It'll be interesting to see how long the jeep driveline lasts. 120hp 4cyl and a crappy manual (newly rebuilt) Who knows what's gonna go in it. I've thought from what I've got to explorer driveline, GM 4.3... It's endless!

Oh and I was hoping someone was gonna trade me for an explorer or ranger but that didn't happen.

Well, the dana 30 is spittin fluid out of the crappy axle seals. So it's been parked for about a month. Drivin the gutless ranger again. The Jeep will be goin to my builder in about 1-2mo to get new axles. Getting in 2 days a 3/4 ton D44 and will swap 5 lug gear on it. Then I'll be selling the 1/2 ton with 3/4 ton brakes on it. Not sure if the rear will get a scout d44 or an EB 9in. Going to keep it near stock width. Also will most likely do 35's and a slip yoke eliminator on the np231 tcase.

All will be ready to go for Moab!

nice jeep u got there

thanks! Wait till this project is done. 35in KM2s are on order as are 5.38s and some lockrights for the d44 axles. Just gotta get the slip yoke eliminator for the t-case and I'm set. Maybe if i crank in the OT, I'll get a nice doubler before Moab

Well, I've pushed the delivery of the Jeep to the shop for a month. I found my SYE case is 7.4in shorter than stock. The doubler adds 7 7/8ths to the driveline. Doubler is definately going in before Moab! I cant wait to have a 132:1 crawl ratio on 35s! I'm getting nowhere fast! SYE ordered today and the doubler will be ordered in a few weeks

Got me some parts!

UPS and FedEx are my friends!
5.38 Yukon gears, install kits and Lock Right's!

The hard to get KM2's
35x12.5x15 on standard 15x8 black steel rims

Tread pattern

Tread depth is a dime deep!

231j transfercase partially disassembled for a SYE kit

SYE kit will come later today. Hopefully in the next week or two I can order the doubler and remove the stock tcase in the jeep.

Just won some used YJ leaf springs on ebay. New plans, going SOA all around because of the front axle. This thing is gonna be flexy! Doubler should get ordered this week! Axles being delivered to the builder tomorrow to start all the gear work
