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Oxygen Sensor


February 15, 2000
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Would it hurt anything to clean the oxygen sensor with O2 safe throttle body cleaner? I thought it might help the sensor to better read if it didn't have some of the carbon build up on it like in the intake.

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Does anyone know, What difference would cleaning or replacing this do? and about how much would it cost?

I think you would be better off just replacing them. The O2 sensors are pretty sensitive and chemicals may impair their performance. The O2 safe throttle body cleaners are designed to be safe after combustion.

You should be able to find the sensors for about $50 or less.

1 or both...

Do I need to replace both O2 Sensors? The dealership told me the right one was bad.

I would replace both. Since one has already gone bad, it may not take much time for the other to do the same. Plus, it saves you all the time of not having to deal with another problem in the future.
