PA output through siren | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PA output through siren

Not sure if this goes here, feel free to move if it doesn't....
I have a undercover siren. I have a RS CB that has a pa output.(mini jack)
Does anyone know if I can tie the pa into my siren? The siren has 4 sounds, & the speaker output. It's a Sho-Me model. I called Sho-Me & they said there's no way.

Not possible. You need an underhood PA speaker, looks like the siren but its not the same.

Google Sho-Me and the model number and find out what the output wattage is.
Also when you do just make sure you have correct wires going there.
You can use a VOM to see if it even works before going through all the effort!
I remember making that mistake back in the 80s. I learned new swear words soon during this event!
