painted my grill shell... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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painted my grill shell...

hey guys so i painted my grill shell on my 99 ex, from chrome to black to match the truck, now my poaint booth is backed up with bike parts and i didnt have any black paint layin around to use, so this is what i did, i hit it with some 800 gt, sprayed some plastic prep down wiped it, taped off my billet grill, and sparyed some gloss black "rust oleaum" paint, looks good still alil taky, but i put it on the truck and wow looks great, what do u guys think? will it last a while or just flack right off, this really was just an im bored so lets paint thing lol iv seen complete black grills on ebay for around 50$ so no big deal....

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TTIUWP. It really depends on how well the prep work was done.

there was no shiny chrome when i got done so?? like i said if it doesnt last ill spray it in my booth with the proper paint etc.

Post some pics.

The paint might not hold up well without removing the "chrome".

I painted mine quite a while ago. I removed all of the chrome prior to painting; it has helf up well for years now.


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how did u remove all the chrome? with out burnin to far into the plastic?

Al I love that look.

It is like a Stealth Bomber
