Painted the bumpers TWICE already but it won't last | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Painted the bumpers TWICE already but it won't last

Yeah so I've painted the black trim around the front and black bumpers two times already, but within a month, they look like CRAP. The first time I used the duplicolor bumper paint. It looked awesome....for a few weeks. Then I started to notice little places where it was peeling and you could see the ugly gray/purple-ish trim. It just got progressively worse and worse until it was half gray and half black.
For try number two, I decided to use duplicolor trim paint as I used it on my grille insert and rear pillars and it still to this day looks great. I also opted for an adhesion promoter on this go-round. Again, within a month or so, I noticed it was peeling. And it seems like every time I look, more and more has peeled.

So I need to know, what the hell can I do? Both times I did prep work. I washed with dish soap, scuffed it, washed it again, then used a degreaser. I'm just at a loss as to how I can keep it looking good for more than a month! I don't expect the rattle-can job to last years, but more than a month isn't too much to ask, is it?
I was thinking of using automotive paint and having my dad paint it with his paint gun.
Is there some sort of prep work that I'm missing? Or maybe a better brand I can use? Would a clear coat help?

Any advice? I really hate the ugly gray, but black peeling with ugly gray is worse.

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It is painting 101. But I hate it. And, I heard (still don't know if this is true) that Krylon Fusion forms a chemical bond with plastic rather than just drying on top of it, and the can said no prep work. My first experience with it was on a $5 yard sale set of plastic patio furniture, and it went well too. Hope it turns out for you this time!

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I hate it too lol. Yeah I really hope it works this time. I loathe taping off everything like you wouldn't believe. And it seems like there's ALWAYS overspray somewhere, no matter how good I tape off the truck.

I've got my fingers crossed! Painting will commence first thing in the morning. :thumbsup:

And it seems like there's ALWAYS overspray somewhere, no matter how good I tape off the truck.

Yeah...on the chromed part of the front bumper on the driver's side of my truck, as it wraps around towards the tire. lol, at least its kinda hidden...


I painted mine a couple months ago and just took the bumper covers off to do so but I haven't had any issues with it coming off except when wheeling I scratched it off a little. I cleaned the cover with rubbing alcohol and then painted with Krylon fusion with no primer or adhesion aids.

Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been busy with classes and stuff lately.

But it appears to be holding up. It's filthy right now, so I need to wash it soon to really make sure everything is adhering properly. But it came out pretty good!

One complaint I have, which is my own stupid fault, I didn't paint the trim piece on the side of the rear quarterpanel (the portion separate from the actual rear bumper; it's on the side of the truck) because it still looked good...instead I taped over it, and when I peeled the tape off, the paint came with it lol. So I need to repaint those little sections soon.

Glad to hear it seems to be sticking better!

I'm trying to do the same thing to my '97 xlt, and I'm afraid to really try anything on te bumpers yet. Ive painted the grill with black krylon plastic spray paint and it's holding up fine, aside from some minor cracks just from baking in the florida sun. But is that primer that was being talked about still work for that ? Or could I apply the krylon on by itself ? Any info would help ! Thanks !

I've painted my rear bumper plastic with Rustoleum Bedliner rattle can spray. I'm waiting on the front and running boards to see how the rear holds up. So far so good. I cleaned the plastic with brake cleaner prior to spraying it. I got a few runs, but it easily passes the 5 foot test. I've stood on the rear bumper with dirty shoes and haven't noticed anything wrong. Check out my registry for some pics.

paintin' th' bumpers!

i read all these posts and noticed that noone does their bumper like i do. I seem to re-do my bumper maybe once a year...maybe twice. I wash the front and rear bumpers while i wash th' truck. Let it all dry. Pull it into the garage and let it all cool off to room temp or cool enough to where it dont dry to quickly. I got th' black plastic by the way on my 99 4dr xlt that just turned 245,000 miles. To hell with the paints and spray ready for this method? You sitting down? Drum roll please.....

frigin' solid black shoe polish is by far the best.

The kind that has that sponge tip applicator attached to it. It works so damn well that i probably do it once a year. Try pretty sure you'll all agree. And its inexpensive...and you can then polish your shoes with the time youve saved. The sun here in S.Carolina is brutal on black plastic...but this method works perfectly. Its nuts. Just dont let it pile up in one spot for too long..make sure you apply it in long strokes and evenly. watch out for any run-off dripping onto your chrome (if you dont tape off the chrome).

Let me know if you try this works so good...and friends and strangers are always commenting on how great my explorer looks. Its nuts.

And Go Gamecocks.

bumper paintin'

If you've got black bumper trim (which i do) and its faded to gray....throw away your spray cans. On my 99 when i first decided to do my bumper trim black again....the oldest trick in the book shoe polish. The kind with the sponge tip applicator. I find myself re-doing mine maybe once a year. Its epic. and looks great in this S.Carolina heat all frigin' year. Make sure to wash...let dry....and get it in the shade and let the plastic cool a bit before applying. Youll get the hang of it quickly. Watch out for any run-off. It works better than any spray cans out there. I'm sure all will be pleased with the results! Its epic.

And Go Gamecocks.

If you've got black bumper trim (which i do) and its faded to gray....throw away your spray cans. On my 99 when i first decided to do my bumper trim black again....the oldest trick in the book shoe polish. The kind with the sponge tip applicator. I find myself re-doing mine maybe once a year. Its epic. and looks great in this S.Carolina heat all frigin' year. Make sure to wash...let dry....and get it in the shade and let the plastic cool a bit before applying. Youll get the hang of it quickly. Watch out for any run-off. It works better than any spray cans out there. I'm sure all will be pleased with the results! Its epic.

And Go Gamecocks.

Got any pics?

i read all these posts and noticed that noone does their bumper like i do. I seem to re-do my bumper maybe once a year...maybe twice. I wash the front and rear bumpers while i wash th' truck. Let it all dry. Pull it into the garage and let it all cool off to room temp or cool enough to where it dont dry to quickly. I got th' black plastic by the way on my 99 4dr xlt that just turned 245,000 miles. To hell with the paints and spray ready for this method? You sitting down? Drum roll please.....

frigin' solid black shoe polish is by far the best.

The kind that has that sponge tip applicator attached to it. It works so damn well that i probably do it once a year. Try pretty sure you'll all agree. And its inexpensive...and you can then polish your shoes with the time youve saved. The sun here in S.Carolina is brutal on black plastic...but this method works perfectly. Its nuts. Just dont let it pile up in one spot for too long..make sure you apply it in long strokes and evenly. watch out for any run-off dripping onto your chrome (if you dont tape off the chrome).

Let me know if you try this works so good...and friends and strangers are always commenting on how great my explorer looks. Its nuts.

And Go Gamecocks.

Got any pics?

bumper paintin'


it wont let me post pics. below it says "you may not post attachments"






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Looks nice.
