pcv valve | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pcv valve


August 15, 2012
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
06-Ford Explorer XLT
Need info on how to change the PCV valve on a 06 Ford EXPLORER, 4.0 L engine,with pics if possable, lots of instructions on the 05 and down but cant locate info on the 06. Thanks

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Check your PM! ;):thumbsup:


Thanks but the 06 and newer are different.

While I will admit that I am not familiar with the '06 model, I'm guessing that it is sticking out of one of the valve covers. :dunno: Have you looked for the PCV valve?

From www.brakeandfrontend.com. The article is located here: http://www.brakeandfrontend.com/issue/article.aspx?contentid=38742

Both, the 4.0L and the 4.6L use a PCM-controlled heated PCV valve. The PCV valve on the 4.0L SOHC engine is located in the back of the left valve cover, mounted horizontally, and is well hidden from view as it is sandwiched between the valve cover and the firewall.

Hopefully one of the 4th Gen guys will chime in soon.

Good luck getting it sorted. :thumbsup:

It looks to be integrated into the left valve cover just behind the oil filler spout.

Need info on how to change the PCV valve on a 06 Ford EXPLORER, 4.0 L engine,with pics if possable, lots of instructions on the 05 and down but cant locate info on the 06. Thanks


Removal and Installation 1. Disconnect the PCV valve electrical connector.
2. Disconnect the PCV valve hose.
3. NOTE: If the PCV valve is removed from the valve cover, a new PCV valve must be installed. Rotate the PCV valve counterclockwise and remove it from the valve cover.
4. To install, reverse the removal procedure

Hopefully this will help you.

Nicely done east1la. :thumbsup:

So that is where the heated PCV valve is... So what is the other ventilation valve on the other side that feeds into the intake I mentioned called?

Is it the oil breather valve?

So that is where the heated PCV valve is... So what is the other ventilation valve on the other side that feeds into the intake I mentioned called?

Do you mind posting a picture of item you talking about. I have a 2007 explorer. I don't know if mine is different from yours.

I found what it is called over at ford parts. I was thinking that the engine crankcase breather hose was the PCV because it looks to have a directional valve in it.
