Pittsburgh Meet | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pittsburgh Meet

1 day advance notice! Who is all still coming?

Quinn and I are meeting up in Somerset and caravaning out in case anyone else is from the east.

I should have the Explorer running. It's going to be a close call. I pick up what I need for the EGR first thing tomorrow morning and if all goes well should be running shortly after.

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I'm still coming out to the meet tomorrow with my wife and son. Hopefully I can get the rock sliders done early in the morning before the meet, started them today. Might not be painted tomorrow but they should be done.

Hopefully we both accomplish our goals for tomorrow. I thought I was starting early enough, guess not!

LOL, I'll be getting up at 6a.m. to get them done and hopefully some other fabrication projects if there's time.

Thr welder at work took a poopie so the sliders aren't finished. I'm looking at Eastwood for their welder/ plasma cutter combo. Damn it, this sucks !!!!

It was good to meet some more members, can't wait for the trail run next Saturday. I'll post some pictures later.

couldnt make it

had some issues arise with my 80 year old grandmother and figured id always have another chance to make it up there to another meet.. hope everyone had fun!!!:usa:

Thanks for coming out guys! Had a great time.

I shall be on the trail ride, see everyone thats attending Saturday!
