Playing Hookie, is it really worth it?!?!? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Playing Hookie, is it really worth it?!?!?

Server is having problems (again) I'll fix it tomorrow.

damn, damn, damn, %$!@(^*##!%!&!^*^!!#


  • burnout uhaul.jpg
    burnout uhaul.jpg
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Ok, SVO emailed me the Vid.

I uploaded it to my Yahoo briefcase folder.

Look in the CobraR folder!

How do you drive a car with no plates? At least I didn't see any on the mustang!

Originally posted by Johnstone

Look in the CobraR folder!

LOL, all I got was a video of the rejects

Originally posted by XplorerKid
hm the video i downlaod ed was american idol????

i clicked in there on the cobra R one
Suckers. LOL :p

"She Bangs, she bangs!"

Originally posted by old mechanic
How do you drive a car with no plates? At least I didn't see any on the mustang!

Hop in and go!

That's why we got pulled over ;)

Wow I am really jealous!!!!! I was considering the trade in on a 01 Lighting instead of my Stang, but even with the lower insurance rates, the Stang still gets better gas mileage.

And I am hoping to one day own a Cobra R so basically, I hate both of you!!!!!!!:D

Great story and thanks for all the pics!

Ok my server is being a pain *takes chop saw to it* so here's a link to the page where the owner is hosting it.

Originally posted by SVO
Ok my server is being a pain *takes chop saw to it* so here's a link to the page where the owner is hosting it.

Click Here For Link
Well, I did eventually upload the REAL burnout vid to my Yahoo briefcase. So, peeps should use that to keep SVO's friend's website bandwidth down.

jOHNSTONE you know I thought you were pimping out your wife when I saw the folder titled "MY WIFE". And you know I clicked to see if you were uploading vids of her. WHAT A DOG you are!!!!!:D

Originally posted by AlaskanJack
jOHNSTONE you know I thought you were pimping out your wife when I saw the folder titled "MY WIFE". And you know I clicked to see if you were uploading vids of her. WHAT A DOG you are!!!!!:D
Nah. You'll never see those vids. LOL There's just a couple of hot pics of the wife under the section.

From cars to someone's wife, the things that amaze me lmao! :rolleyes:

Sorry about the vid folks.

what was that about someone's wife?

Over 5 years later, and the addition of a 1995 Cobra R:


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Need to see more of what Jon?

HAHAHAHAHA! weren't you around when I did this back in the day?

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What were you doing for the first year, asking what the biggest tire you could fit on an Explorer was???

Jeff - :navajo:

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From taking ownership in 2004, to 15 years later in 2019................

