Poll: White Walls out or in? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Poll: White Walls out or in?

White Walls In Or Out?

  • Lettering facing out for the world to see!

    Votes: 83 60.6%
  • Keep the lettering hidden, I like solid black!

    Votes: 49 35.8%
  • Don't care...

    Votes: 5 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
BLACK OUT! (only yelled cuz everyone else did) Looks alot cleaner.

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letters in, cleaner look

Im gonna vote letters out, but some of you have me thinking now. Do you think this looks better than the white out? Currently the white is out.


  • ll.jpg
    37.9 KB · Views: 442

Looks good the way you have it. The rims grab the eye, and the white lettering would be over kill! Keep the style you have, just my 2 pennys worth

redrig, it look's too bland..you nede the letter's out!!!

Redrig, it would look good black out.

redrig has white letters out.. look at his avatar..... personally on redrigs truck i think the black looks better.... but depending on hte vehicles specific characteristics, i say white or black vehicle dependent

Depends on the truck.Out on a street truck looks too chico.........

The only time to run white out is when you can convince the dealer to give you a disount for the advertisment. IMHO, tires with white letters out are nothing more than rolling billboards! That, and I'm too lazy to clean them!

Personally I think white in looks better. Especially since it'll just rub off when I go wheeling. :)

I like my white letters out... I think it looks alot better that way but then again my truck is all street.

Depends on the truck
Redrig- If I were you, I'd put black out.

I like em out always. well on my "X" anyways. If they get dirty i got stuff at work that makes em look brend new all over again. It gives a nice contrast to the truck.

Stock sized wheel/tire: White facing out.

Lower profile/bigger wheel: Black out.

Bigger tires/lifted: Black out.

Not only would it depend on the truck (Lift/lower/etc) but I believe it depends on TYPE of vehicle. Like 2 door coupes look better with black wall more often than a pickup or SUV would. So with an Ex I would say its a 50/50 shot, sedans and coupes are more like 70/30 (70 being black wall)

i voted black cause thats what i have and i dont think it looks too shabby.

seanthenerd said:
How lazy are you? White walls out means you have to clean and or bleach the lettering to stay white. Dirty white walls are way worse than black out!

Heres a complaint for all to see:

If you have White lettering out-clean it!

And please clean off your brake dust crusted wheels!!!!!! you know who you are!

thank you!

Sorry Pop's, i'll do that right now. plus i'll clean my room too. :p

my old stock sized tires where black out..they looked like crap.

WHITE OUT! lol it looks so much better IMO

i got white out on my 31s..and i will on whatever else tires i get.

BTW i do clean them ;) :)

i myself like the White Letters out.

but sometimes vehicles do look better with black walls. Especially off-road applications....even if the white out looked good they would be constantly getting dirty and turn more of a brown crap color....until you cleaned them throroughly of course.

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Black out, that's waht all the cool kids are doing.
