Possible Airbag Malfunction? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible Airbag Malfunction?


New Member
April 15, 2002
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City, State
Raleigh N.C.96
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 xlt
Would anybody have any information regarding the location of the airbag sensors on the 1996 Explorer? I'm getting conflicting information - some say there is one in the center, others say there is a center and one on each side......

I was in an accident a week ago and the airbag did not deploy. It was a front left front collision. Officer states I was going approximately 40 mph at impact, no skid marks but I had applied the brakes (with both feet!) Another vechicle declided to make a right hand turn and try to cross 6 lanes of traffice and of course, I happened to be the first person he met trying to cross those lanes. I hit his passenger side door, front quarter panel. I will need to have the hood, grill, bumper, left quarter panel (which folded back toward the driver door) and tire replaced. The bumper did fold in far enough that I cannot turn the wheel. Also, the bumper shifted toward the passenger side of the vechile approximately 3 inches. I would assume that that would have been enough of an impact (beleive me, I'm feeling it still and still seeing the Dr. over this) that the airbag should have deployed. So, my question is, does anyone know where these sensors supposedly are, and at what speed does it supposedly deploy the airbag. Thanks for any information that you can provide...I would greatly appreciate your help! Best Regards....

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it is mounted if you open the access cover on the grille look straight down on the inboard side of the headlight and you will see a plug you can then follow the wire forarsd toward the front bumper a couple inches and there it is

IMPORTANT QUESTION Were you wearing seat belt most cases no belt no BAG IMO you were lucky it didnt deploy 1000-1500 deployment each side otherwise it should have deployed

Thanks for your reply but I didn't understand what the IMO meant or the 1000-1500? Please explain in laymans terms. Thanks.

in my dealings with more accident scenes than i care to count if seat belt is fastened air bag goes off 1000-1500 is average cost of repair per side on most cars

by the way
sorry i missed it the first time around
Hope you are feeling better and didn't get hurt bad
