Possible Scam using "paypal" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible Scam using "paypal"


Keep on wheelin John Rock
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
August 17, 2009
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City, State
York, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer
I recieved a email informing me that my paypay account might of been accessed by a third party and "paypal" wanted to confirm that I had done the transaction "recently".
The first red flag was this was on a screen name that I only use as a contact with my IP and a couple of other businesses (cell phone, "offical" contacting, etc) not my paypal account which is on my most used screen name. The second red flag was that they wanted my credit card number.
I went to my second screen name and checked the confirmation email address for paypal from my last transaction, and then back to the "notice", the email was not in my old mail or deleted file, it had just disappeared.
Contact thru my bank showed the transaction I had done was the only one.
Watch out and be careful, it looked like offical email and even had the paypal logo.

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That's phishing. It's been an issue since the begining of the interweb. They're getting some super sneaky high tech ones now.

Thanks for the tip!

That's phishing. It's been an issue since the begining of the interweb. They're getting some super sneaky high tech ones now.

It did look official, these boogers are good.

Thanks for the tip!

Your Welcome! Wanted to post a warning about it, a lot of EF members use this service, and would hate to see anyone get taken.

Yup they are fishing.. If you have have outlook or similar look at the header on the email to see where it originated from.. Often times they are spoffing paypal's email address

Yeah i got a similar one today Claiming a Bank acct that i now longer have (been closed for years) was being accessed recently.....

Yawn after a brief look at it i just deleted it

If selling on ebay

Do not ever click a link provided by the buyer in correspondence. He should pay you and that is it, unless to ask a question.

They are good at providing a phony , yet very official " looking" paypal link which will require you to enter your paypal password to "send them a total invoice". Then they got ya.

If you really need to, You can do this yourself through your paypal account if there is any modification to the total price.

That's phishing. It's been an issue since the begining of the interweb. They're getting some super sneaky high tech ones now.

Oh yeah. There are so many renditions of those scams. People continue to get hooked or the scammers wouldn't still be trying them. If one manages to sneak through my spam filters, a quick "delete" takes care of them. :D

I usually reply with profanity in the user name/password boxes. Then delete. :)

Forward it to spoof @paypal.com, and they will take it from there. Sometimes they are able to track these idiots down.Same is true for most of the banks.
