Post Body Lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post Body Lift


July 14, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Rome, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer Sport
I've got a few post lift questions. First, do I have to trim the front bumper to fit the tow hooks on? I'm assuming so but just curious in case my bumper was mounted too high.

Next question is the skid plate. I am confused by the directions of how they want me to reattach the skid plate. It sticks slightly below the front bumper and just doesn't look good at all. Is there any cheap alternatives I could do until I get enough funds to get the popular RCI plate? I've heard the RCI mounts perfectly with a body lift.

Final question (for now) is if I buy a full brush guard, or any kind of brush guard, do I have to custom make brackets to fit?

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1. Yes, you need to trim the front bumper for the tow hooks.

2. I can't remember about the plastic skid plate. Pretty sure you trim an edge or 2 on it. Best way would be crawl under the truck and see what needs top get gone in order to mount up. It's been a while so I will look under mine tomorrow and see what I did to it.

3. Yes you will need to make custom brackets or modify the ones that come with the guard. I would lean towards complete custom so you still have the normal brackets if you ever take the BL out. With my SAS/SOA I really need to take the BL out so it's not so high and will now need to make custom brackets to make my brush guard fit without the BL.

Thanks for the quick reply. I figured out the skid plate and got that mounted. I didn't notice in the picture in the instructions that they also cut the top pieces off as well. Got my new tires today and mounted. Absolutely love the look and wish I did this earlier but it's better late than never. I'll start a registry thread tomorrow when I can take some decent pictures. Cannot wait to add on, best part is I'll be working this semester instead of going to class at RIT so I'll be able to continue getting different parts.

Are you doing the co-op program there?

You can also use S-10 tow hooks instead so you don't need to cut the front bumper cover up for the stockers.

Are you doing the co-op program there?

Yeah, had one this summer now I'm back in rochester doing another this fall semester.

Rebel, I take it those are thinner? Are they similar size? Thanks for the suggestion

They are just as strong but are angled up just at the perfect angle to fit an ST with a body lift.

Yeah, had one this summer now I'm back in rochester doing another this fall semester.

Rebel, I take it those are thinner? Are they similar size? Thanks for the suggestion

Oh sweet! I just finished up my 3rd rotation at Bosch this summer. Definitely makes me hate classes haha. And it's hard to get away from a paycheck.

Thanks rebel!

01STrunner, that's awesome, what are you going for? I'm in mechanical engineering. I'm dreading going back to class this spring haha

Why's there so many mechanical engineers on here?
Anyways post pics!! :D

Thanks rebel!

01STrunner, that's awesome, what are you going for? I'm in mechanical engineering. I'm dreading going back to class this spring haha

ME here too! I've been involved with transmission control modules at Bosch. To actually wake up and look forward to my job over the past couple years is a big plus.
