power 90 or p90x anybody? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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power 90 or p90x anybody?


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September 13, 2007
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Just wondering if anyone has tried or is using power 90 p90x or any of beach body / tony Horton's stuff.

I started power 90 Feb 10th and have seen great results so far. I have a ways to go but i am very happy for the change in my life. It has made me totally change my eating habit and diet.

I have been combining the power 90 diet and workout with some low doseages of Hydroxycut hardcore and it was worked well.

Originally i wanted to do p90x but i thought i would start with power 90 and then work into p90x. I am very excited and don't want to go back to my old habits. I have a decent amount of weight to lose and i totally want to get more fit.

My goals right now are not.. to get a 6 pack but rather just to be more healthy and be more active.

One of the main reasons i chose to go this route instead of joining a gym was due to price and time constraints and having a kid. I don't have the money for a gym membership. I don't have 2 hours a day to devote to going to and working out in the gym. As it is now i work out 6 days a week 45 mins a day in my living room with my kid at home with me. It is working well! And as for equipment i just have my dvd player and some resistance bands! I even did my workout in a hotel the other day!

Any body else out there try this or see it?

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I thought somebody would have heard of or tried one of the beachbody programs!

So far i am on day 49 and have lost 24ish lbs. I am really trying hard and looking forward to the continued progress.

No, I have never heard of it. What's your diet like?

unfortunately i have been slacking some on the diet in the past week or 2 but it is generally
3 meals with a snack in between each.

Egg whites, whole grain, whole wheat, but try to keep the carbs lower. Lots of protein.

I have been having alot of salmon and such for lunch/dinners. Veggie burgers.

For me it has come down to portion control and not snacking junk food. I also due to a hectic lifestyle have been prone to grabbing fast food alot so i had to cut that out.

For me it has come down to portion control and not snacking junk food. I also due to a hectic lifestyle have been prone to grabbing fast food alot so i had to cut that out.

I would say that right there is the major contributor. Have you ever watched super-size me? I watched it 4 weeks ago and I haven't touched a fast food burger or even looked at a fast food restaurant since! :thumbsup:

well a little update.. without pics because i still havea long way to go... but Sunday was my 90 day mark and i wanted to give some results.

I lost a total of 29lbs in those 90 days. This is with the last month being a very rough month . i did not stick to the diet perfectly and did more eating out than i would have liked plus due to bad schedule stuff i didnt get to work out much. But i continued to lose a small amount over that time. I have changed my eating habits and i and happy about them so far. Still have a long way to go and i hope to keep posting results.

Plan is to keep doing what i am doing. I am going to continue power 90 for a few more weeks then jump into the p90x and do that for a while. Should be fun! I already need to go and get some better fitting jeans! What a good feeling.

Plus good weather is here and that is a motivation in itself to be more active and get in better shape!

Congrats on the Power 90/ P90X decision!! Power 90 first was a GOOD idea as P90X is BRUTAL!!! (In a boot camp kick your ass can't lift/push/pull/walk after workout kinda brutal ;) )
Keep it up and good luck with reaching your fitness/lifestyle goals.

Just an update. As of right now i have lost 40lbs since winter time.

I haven't been working out much at all recently but have been watching my diet and being careful. I still have a long way to go and plan on restarting the power 90 again in September for a few weeks until about October then jumping into p90x. I have a goal to be down at least 100 lbs from where i was in winter so we will see when we get there (no real time crunch because i don't want a fast drop without being able to maintain it)

Good luck all!

Thanks for the comments!

I am at my round 2 of the P90X. I had not workout out and stuck to a program but htis one made me do it. LOL. I am leaner now. Weigh the same.. i started at 193 and am 5'11". Yesterday, i weigth 190, still 5'11"..LOL.
But, my pants size... from 38 to 33. :)
More definition on the arms and legs. Turkey chin is gone. Overall...feels great.
KPP people.

My best friend and his brother did one P90x session and almost died from exhaustion. He has played competitive soccer for most of his life. He asked me if I wanted in on the next workout but I said I'd pass. The guy in the video seems way too into the workout if you ask me.

But it sure works, dang it. LOL
