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power window problems


New Member
April 24, 2013
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City, State
chattanooga tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 limited
hey im new here but not new to the car scene, im trying to fix my rear windows and passenger window. as I started on the passenger rear window I noticed the cable that the motor pulls to raise and lower the window is broken. the motor sounds like it works fine.
do I need to replace the motor or can I just replace the cable?

if yes/no is there anyone near Chattanooga that has some used parts I can buy off them?


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You do not have to replace the motor. Also, you can NOT replace just the cable, the part that needs replacing is the regulator. Its not hard to do, it involves drilling out some pop-rivets, and putting new ones in, or small bolts and nuts. You also might want to remove the cover over the drive gear on the motor and check the little plastic pieces to see if they are still good.

thanks guys that helped!
but now that I know what to replace you know any one who sells them cheap maybe used or something? dealer wants $180 a piece!?!?! that's wayyy too much

thanks guys that helped!
but now that I know what to replace you know any one who sells them cheap maybe used or something? dealer wants $180 a piece!?!?! that's wayyy too much

Yup I got a plan..... look for a power window thread started by Tbars4... it is an upgrade for rear windows.

I did it last year. It involves going to the junkyard and finding a 95-01 explorer (4 door) and removing it's window motor, regulator, track assemblies.

CAUTION there is a lot of drilling rivets, potential swearing, getting ticked off cause you broke a drill bit (in my case drill bits), sweating like a ***** at confession... etc.

I got both sides including new bolts, for $65. I still have bolts left over.

Edit: here's the link, enjoy....


wow thanks that really helped! im gonna go look for those parts today!

im headed out now to get two rear doors off a 96 for $50. doors glass motors and all. dirt cheap considering their condition is perfect. now all I gotta do Is pull apart the front door and see whats wrong with that window

im headed out now to get two rear doors off a 96 for $50. doors glass motors and all. dirt cheap considering their condition is perfect. now all I gotta do Is pull apart the front door and see whats wrong with that window

Most likely the nylon gear is toast. On the "help" isle/section at parts store they sell the nylon gear repair kit. Shouldn't be more than $10. There us a sticky in the stock 91-94 section that tells you how to do the repair.

thanks for the help. I got it all done. first time those windows have worked in about 7 years :D I also put new fabric on the headliner so my ex is almost back to its former glory

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