Price check on Superlift k494 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Price check on Superlift k494


Well-Known Member
December 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Spokane, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ex V8, AWD XLT
Think I'm finally going to go ahead with the Superlift kit for my X, but I need to know what you guys have found for prices on this kit. The best I've found is from for $1,773 free shipping. If any of you guys know a better spot please let me know. BTW just out of curiosity how well do you guys think 35x12.50 will fit with this kit, TT+shackles, and 3" body.

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thx for the info, although now I'm considering 37s if you say 35s would fit now lol.

Nice, I'm thinking about the Irok radial 36X13.50 R15, but can i fit a 13.50 on our stock 8" rims?

lol, I'm not sure where I got 8 but ya. What about some 12.50 on the stockers. If you can't tell I really don't feel like getting new wheels lol.

$1710 from 4wheel parts. Fender trimming and TT for 33x12.5 and 15x10 rims they still rub, go with 15x8 and some minor trimming you should be fine not sure about 37's but maybe 35's

Sounds good, I'd consider 10.50s, but isn't that pointless in a 35?

I'm not even sure anyone make that size tire. If you're spending all this money on the lift, tires, gears (F&R) you might as well spend another $250 or so on cheap new 15x8" wheels with 3.75" back spacing. :D

I know the super swamper ssr comes in a 35x10.50x15 but meh. For now it'll just be lift and tires, gears and lockers will be a bit down the road.

LOL, only till I have the money for gears, lockers, and pay to have both set up.

I'm glad I'm not your transmission.

Ok, so gonna order the kit from Friday :thumbsup: . Just figured I'd check to see if anyone has gotten anything from them and if you had any complaints. Thanks for the input.
