Probably selling SPLAT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Probably selling SPLAT


Elite Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
April 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 JK
FS thread here:

Yup, your eyes are still ok; and you're probably not too drunk to know what you're reading.

I don't think I can keep Splat any longer. I need a new vehicle with a warranty, blah blah blah. I just don't have the time or money to put into a 7 year old vehicle, mods or not.

So, looking at the following, but just started thinking:
Golf GTI

I want something fun, utilitarian, and that looks good.

Don't feel like talking much more right now, details to come.

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Alec I hear you all the way bro. Mine is getting traded in for a car next spring. Good luck selling it the truck is awesome and whatever you decide to do we are behind you.

Get the sport trac and 4wd.

This is a bummer, but understandable. I vote Sport Trac so you can keep it in the family :D

I can't reccomend the VW anymore with all the problems we've had lately and I personally don't care for the F-150 too much.

Good luck with what ever you decide to do!

We're looking at taking something off the lot lower than 24,000; but of course the MSRP can be higher.

How about a Mini-S?

I like the Mini Cooper. It's a true pocket rocket. But it'll be weird to go from a lifted truck to such a small and very low to the ground box car.

*cough cough* V8 7.3L F-250 *cough* Excuse me!

MINI-S all the way. Fun as heck to mod... and I'll have an excuse to go to the gatherings... you can't just walk up on that group.

Are you SURE you don't want to sell that s/c? :D `

I might be willing to part Splat out if I could get decent money for everything. If you could write me a check tomorrow for the s/c I'd probably sell it.

How much would you want for it?

use the OTHER post in the for sale forum for that...

$1500 for the s/c unit itself. $300 more for the computer unit and some other parts.

I'm also looking to sell the rebuilt heads I haven't put on, the custom MAS and injectors too.

I guess your motor gets a ******** everytime you floor it...lucky motor.

I guess your motor gets a ******** everytime you floor it...lucky motor.

Never thought of it that way. Lucky motor indeed.

Sorry to hear the news Alec, you were always a good role model of what a 2wd truck can do.:)

Want my 5.9? It'll be for sale in the next week or so, for much less than 24K. Only 47K on it, mint and ready for plenty of mods (already did the exhaust).


My vote is a Lancer Evo (sans wing option) or a VW R32 (are they out yet?)

holy crap! this is the end of an era. :(

my vote is the Strac.

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Alec selling splat? no way.. thats like james t buying ricks truck.. i would never think it would happen

