Problem removing EGR Valve on 2010 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Problem removing EGR Valve on 2010


March 5, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
I can not get the two 10mm bolts holding the EGR valve to budge. Even have a 14mm box end on back side. Have soaked with two different 'nut busters' spray, still not budging. Scared I am about to strip the bolt heads off and then I will really be scr_wed. Any suggestions appreciated.

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First make sure you are turning them counterclockwise. It is easy to get mixed up as they are pointed towards the front of the vehicle. Mine were not that tight. Perhaps a good smack on the wrench with a hammer will shock them free.

Heat up the bolt head with a heat gun?

I just removed mine this afternoon. I found it easier to just take off the whole assembly, EGR valve and base + tube that attaches to the intake plenum. They are 2 8mm bolts, after that you can remove the 10mm bolts. Heat gun would be a great choice. Remember to use it wisely and never ehat anything with plastic or rubber near unless it´s broken, like a bad egr valve. Hope this helps.

follow up

Ford75 - you have a 4.0 built between 06 and 10? Because I dont see how you can remove without removing the two 10mm bolts...
fordbluefamily - yes, you have the correct picture of the EGR Valve.
thanks for suggestions!

That egr valve comes off with two 8mm bolts and the big pipe on the valve itself along with a few vac lines. Pretty sure those 10mm nuts are welded on to the bracket. I would quit trying to turn those before it gets expensive. Lol. The 8mm bolts go in from the other side.

That egr valve comes off with two 8mm bolts and the big pipe on the valve itself along with a few vac lines. Pretty sure those 10mm nuts are welded on to the bracket. I would quit trying to turn those before it gets expensive. Lol. The 8mm bolts go in from the other side.

So is it nuts? Or bolts?

Mine has 8mm bolts. What looks like nuts are welded to the bracket. You can see the bolts in the amazon ad. If it used nuts with studs on the intake the metal gasket would be so much easier to install.

8mm bolts

didn't know for sure the nut was welded to the bracket; but not surprised. I put a lot of torque on the 8mm bolts and it would not break loose. Hard to believe a heat gun would get bolt hot enough but guess anything is possible. I know Ford used RED LOCTITE on brake caliper and that took a propane torch to break loose. I am thinking a propane torch on the EGR valve is going to do a lot of damage to surrounding parts that are rubber, plastic, vinyl, aluminum, etc.

The EGR Valve is attached to a plate with two 10mm bolts, this plate is attached to the intake plenum with two 8mm bolts at the TB neck if you may say. This place or base has a protruding pipe that injects the gases back to the intake.
I´m talking about taking off the 8mm bolts that hold the assembly to the intake plenum. Of course you would have to first take off the nut on the EGR tube. After taking off the nut and the 8mm bolts then you can wiggle the whole assembly towards the back of the engine and into the driver side and take out the EGR valve with the base and the pipe. If you use a flash light and look inside the intake plenum you will see the pipe. That reminds me of something else, is imperative that you take off the throttle body, in case you haven´t.

Let me know if you get it or not, I´ll take some pics of the old stuff.

The EGR Valve is attached to a plate with two 10mm bolts, this plate is attached to the intake plenum with two 8mm bolts at the TB neck if you may say. This place or base has a protruding pipe that injects the gases back to the intake.
I´m talking about taking off the 8mm bolts that hold the assembly to the intake plenum. Of course you would have to first take off the nut on the EGR tube. After taking off the nut and the 8mm bolts then you can wiggle the whole assembly towards the back of the engine and into the driver side and take out the EGR valve with the base and the pipe. If you use a flash light and look inside the intake plenum you will see the pipe. That reminds me of something else, is imperative that you take off the throttle body, in case you haven´t.

Let me know if you get it or not, I´ll take some pics of the old stuff.

Pics would be helpful, as I will be doing this in the near future. Thanks
