Prolonging U-Joint life | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Prolonging U-Joint life


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Toronto, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 4x4 (4 door)
Quick question for you guys. I just replaced the rear driveshaft ujoints on the EX and used greaseable go forward, they should last a good time!
However, my other rig is a bit newer (2002) and I'm wondering if there's a way to pronglong the life of the crappy ungreasable factory ujoints.
Any ideas or tips any of you have used with success?

Nobody have any tricks?

There's really no way unless you remove the caps and regrease them. But at that point, you might as well replace them cauz you'll need to remove them from the yokes in order to regrease all four caps.

But seriously, U-joints typically outlast two sets of tires and they are pretty cheap so I wouldn't be too worried about trying to prolong their life. Regreasable U-joints of course are a plus for daily drivers since all you have to do is re-inject more grease but I would stay away from them if you have a serious trail rig as the grease channels (think hig torque) that are in the U-joints tend to make them weaker compared to the solid non-greasble U-joints.

Well now that I think about it, I guess there is one thing you can do and that is to ensure that the rubber boot that goes on the edge of the caps are on properly because once grit and dirt finds its way into the caps, the needle bearings are going to dry up and die.
