Proper way to install 2nd gen dash kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Proper way to install 2nd gen dash kit


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 EB AWD 5.0
On all of my 2nd gens I've never swapped out the stock head unit, until now.

My EB came with this piece of crap pioneer unit. The way they installed the dash kit was by expoxying it into the radio bezel. While this doesn't bother me because I want to swap out for the limited wood bezel, it makes me think that this isn't the normal way to install the dash kit.

What's the normal steps to install this dash kit, just slap it in the stocker space and bezel over, or attach it to the bezel like it is now?

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Mine have always just snapped in place.

I have a woodgrain bezel sitting on the shelf if you need one.

Mine have always just snapped in place.

I have a woodgrain bezel sitting on the shelf if you need one.

Snap into place in the dash, or in the bezel?

How much you want for it?

Mine just snapped to the bezel. It also came with a triangle shaped bracket that I bolted to the rear of the stereo that slides on the factory rail that sits under it.

^ same as Jason ^ snapped to the bezel.

You can have it, just cover the UPS. I can figure it out and send tomorrow...

^ same as Jason ^ snapped to the bezel.

You can have it, just cover the UPS. I can figure it out and send tomorrow...

Done. Just PM me what I owe you.
