pros and cons of front lockers with ifs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pros and cons of front lockers with ifs


Elite Explorer
December 29, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Wilmington, Delaware
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 5.0 Sport
I have to swap out my front diff and I'm really considering adding a locker or limited slip to it. I know there are some lunch box lockers for the dana 35 ifs but does anyone offer a limited slip like a detroit tru trac or something along those lines? I currently have a aussie in the rear and love it but I'm nervous about a mechanical locker in the front. My truck does spend a lot of time on the highway because i love to drive it and there is no good wheeling within 75-100 miles of me!

So what are you guys running and how well does it work?

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Anybody??? input or recommendations?

use the vacuum diff out of a 96 if you're gonna lock the front, that way you can choose to unlock it if you are highway driving,, ,
there is a couple of people that are and have done this, it works the best, you can still turn corners off road as well, cause when locked both ends, Explorers don't turn corners so well,,

it wont fit with the 5 liter thou will it? I remember reading somewhere that it will hit the oil pan

Mountaineergreen did the conversion on his v8 mounty without issue. He said it was a tight fit, but since the diff is stationery at all times it wasn't an issue. Search for it, he had a whole write up on it.

I am also planning on doing the same after my v8 conversion.

Mountaineergreen did the conversion on his v8 mounty without issue. He said it was a tight fit, but since the diff is stationery at all times it wasn't an issue. Search for it, he had a whole write up on it.

I am also planning on doing the same after my v8 conversion.

Yes, but he also had a superlift kit installed. This all eventually moved to my truck, then to Corkey's truck. :D

The CAD diff "may" fit, if you can make some clearance dents in the oil pan. If you have a steel oil pan that is.

Without the disconnect, the locker in front is a very bad idea for highway driving.

Or do the manual hubs like I did

I have a Torsen up front in my ranger and can't even tell its there. I haven't used it hard off road yet but have put some miles on it on the street. Now the Yukon Grizzly locker in my rear axle is a whole different story.
