Question. Do Interior lights stay on when rear hatch is open? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question. Do Interior lights stay on when rear hatch is open?


New Member
July 20, 2005
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Avoca, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
Hi, i don't know if this was posted or not, but i have a 2001 explorer sport, and i would like to know if i leave the rear hatch open, or the rear glass window open when driving or just sitting with interior lights stay on? thanks for the help

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For my '92 the interior lights come on with the hatch open but not the glass, but to turn them off so I can sit back there without killing the battery I just push the hatch latch closed. But they might have changed the way things worked for your model.

Turn the roller switch that controls the dash lights all the way down until it clicks. This will turn off all the interior lights from turning on. At least it does this on my 2003 Sport.

The lights do come on with the hatch glass open, on 95+ models. Please avoid driving with that glass open, it is very bad for the hinges, and glass struts. Regards,

thanks for the replies, the reason i wnat to do this is when i go to the drivein i wnat to sit back there and just open the glass window instead of the whole hatch but thanks for the replies

Cool, then just turn off the interior lights with the thumbwheel switch, when needed. Good luck,

Indeed, I do that all the time at the drive-in.... just roll the thumbwheel all the way down until it clicks and it'll prevent the interior lights from coming on with it open.

But to answer your question, yes, normally the interior lights would come on with the hatch open. They incorporated that feature (I think it was called the 'baby minder' or something like that) so all the soccer moms with babies wouldn't have to wake sleeping babies when they open the door to off-load them at home.

Thoughtful feature, but good for other things too. :)

