Radio Controlled extreme 4x4 Explorer Sport-trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Radio Controlled extreme 4x4 Explorer Sport-trac


Moderator Emeritus
September 17, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Longmont, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Sport
Does anyone else get the catalog to the sharper image? Basically its a lot of cool toys for adults (no, not THOSE toys!) On page 69 (once again, get your head out of the gutter!) you'll find a radio-controll Explorer Sport Trac. Now using some basic math skills, I've determined that if this vehicle were enlarged to true size, it would be running at least 44 inch tires with at least 4 feet of lift. The tires appear to be Godoyear, but not any type of GOodyear I've ever seen, they look kind of like Mickey Thompson Baja Claws, and assuming the tires are at least 44", the wheels are at least 22" as they are a good percentage of the tire itself. This fantastic remote control vehicle even has a low-range gear for climbing over the obstacles! Features IFS and IRS (Independant Front and Independant Rear) suspension though... You can even align this thing yourself if it starts to veer abnormally!The front winch mount/brush guard is over 5 feet tall! It appears to have a gas tank that is equivalent to those you would see on big rigs. NOw I can't tell, but it looks like the engine is not very modified, or else it would have to have hood modifications right? Unless it was just a minor engine mod... the weirdest thing about this vehicle is that its using a Chevy 4x4 logo on the back quarter panels!!! this remote control car is $90. Listed as for off-road drivers age 8 and older. If I get my scanner to stop acting up Ill post some pictures later!

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I assume that you're either a wiz at math or you have an enormous amount of time on your hands. :)
That would be perfect to mount a little camara on the top of it to send out as a scout to see further into a trail instead of an expensive and bulky atv. Plus it could go for help too. Like Lassie.
Anyways it's not a real 4x4 unless it can go over a pillow, or at least a small animal.

I believe its that I have plenty of time on my hands :).
Check it out!
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I see a problem.

It says for ages 8 and up.



Plus in the picture it doesn't look like he's got his front hubs locked in. I think it's just 2wd. Somebody just did a 4wd conversion here, maybe who ever did that could fix it so the front tires spin.

are you making fun? LOL

Cool Sport Trac! Although, the bumper guard is totaly stupid for a real 4x4 but for a toy, it is needed for bumping into walls - hehe!! The tires look like Ground Hawgs. Did you see the ages it not only says for 8 and up but it says "For offroad drivers ages 8 and up" Wow imagine that an 8 year old driving out on a trail - then again don't!

That big bumper is to mount PIAA's. I would say by looking at the photo, you could mount about 100 or so lights on both the top and bottom of the bumper tubes.
After that it will probably look that helicoptor that tried to communicate to the alien space ship on Independence Day. But I would have to see it in real life to get a better idea. So Matt, maybe that could be your next project eh?

Funny you should mention it, I was just telling Rick about that last week. I saw one on the shelf at the Sharper Image store I went into in Vegas.

You can pick up that exact same model at wal-mart for $45.00 (I got one). Battery is $25. Total $70. Plus there are 2 (yes 2) colors available. Tan and Red. Colors denot the 2 frequencies, 27 or 49 MHZ.

I love it. Its fun to plau with. It is onlu 2WD though. It does have 2 sppeds, although the low is still too fast for any rock crawling. High will let it go fast enough to tip over in a corner. Of course, it does have 4 feet of lift!

I have an R/C, but it has cost me over $1,100. It's pretty sweet though. My friend and I were driving down a road where I used to live going about 40mph, while driving the R/C right in front of us, it's pretty cool to see the reaction on peoples faces when they see that.

That is one huge bumper gaurd.:D

yeah but at the sharper image... you get to look cool buying it! LOL. My boss is big into those old gas-powered remote control cars, those cost a bundle too... pretty sweet stuff though. If I had excess cash that wasn't being saved for the down payment on a house, I'd buy one.

Matt those are probably a goodyear tire. :) They just normally don't get run on vehicles that passangers ride around in. Most of the time you find those on tractors and other heavy duty equipment.

well it had to happen! Saw at Radio Shack the "remote control SCORPION". For those unfamiliar with the scorpion, its made by avalanche engineering, you'll see it pretty much anywhere theres a real heavy duty off-road competition. Well it didn't look much like the real scorpion, looked more like a jeep wrangler with a roll cage instead of body panels... and it looked like it didn't have nearly the flex or the power, but still pretty cool :)

to get into more math, a full scale vehicle of this model would only weigh 56 lbs! Now imagine if our trucks weighed that. Talk about super materials :)

I saw that sport trac 2 months ago at TOYS 'R US. I told my woman I should get it for my son, he's only 8 months ;-). But she knew what I was up to and she's like "NO, you already bought him enough toys that he can't play with till he's 4." LOL :D
