Ranger lift kits can be used on Explorers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger lift kits can be used on Explorers?

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November 12, 2012
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1995 expl eddie bauer
I read that ranger lifts work with explorers, anyone know for sure??

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yes ranger lifts will work. youll have to look in tio a newer year ranger i think like a 99 and up. J-train has a 6" off a ranger on his 96 ex.

this kit is for a 95-97 ranger, i have a 95 explo

I believe I read somewhere '95 Explorers (only) have a welded-up crossmember that has to be removed (all the welds cut out) in order to install a lift (a huge headache) though I don't have personal experience with it.

For a '95-'01 Ex, you do need a '98-'11 Ranger kit.
Superlift makes a kit specifically for the '95-'01 Explorer, so you wouldn't have to mess with any rear lift adaptations that way.

Ranger XL or XLT lifts will not work on Explorers but any Ranger Edge/Sport kit will work on 95-01 Explorers. Same front frame pretty much, mounting points, geometry and all.

if you're talking suspension lifts, you need the superlift K494 kit, it's a 4" suspension lift and is the ONLY kit available for the Explorer, that out of the box will lift it, there is a much more expensive set up front Dixon Bros Racing, that does the front... but, it's expensive and makes your Explorer massively wide at the front.

If you're after a body lift, you need Performance Accessories PA853 for Explorers up to 98 and the PA883 For Explorers after.

Hope that helps


only reason i have a ranger lift is cause i bought it used and its only the front portion that was used. Now a guy at Superlift said a few bracket's are different but i fit like a glove..... not like a glove on OJ Simpson but a properly sized glove lol. um the major difference is the ranger uses a block to lift the rear and explorer uses a leaf pack or add a leaf kit. As mentioned above with the 95s having a welded cross member that may be true but i do not remember if it does either.

I have a 1999 ford expo and I wanna put a lift kit on it and I'm having a really hard time finding one any help would be awesome.

So, since my last comment 11 years I've purchased the rough country ranger lift for the upto 2011 ranger. It's a 5" lift, I also bought their 1st gen 4" rear leaf springs and have warrior WAR153 lift shackles with performance accessories PA883 bodylift kit.

Hope that helps


So, since my last comment 11 years I've purchased the rough country ranger lift for the upto 2011 ranger. It's a 5" lift, I also bought their 1st gen 4" rear leaf springs and have warrior WAR153 lift shackles with performance accessories PA883 bodylift kit.

Hope that helps

Could that fit on my expo

So any 2011 ranger lift fit my 99 expo
To be clear, the front of a Ranger lift will work, the rear won’t. Rangers are spring over axle, Explorers are spring under.
And other year Ranger lifts should work, not just 2011. Probably 98+.

The ones I listed in my post

Thanks for the information do you know if you maybe still have the part number for the front lift if it's keys won't the cv axles bind up

Here's the link to the ranger front lift

Here's the link to the 1st gen lift. Just order the leaf pack.

You'll also need the extended drive shaft


98-11 Torsion spring rangers use the sla ifs suspension, exactly the same as 96-01 explorers,02-04 sport and 02-05 sport trac

The 98-99 rangers had power vacuum hubs
2000-11 did not
06+ rangers have the larger front brake rotors, same as 02-04 sports and tracs

As bill pointed out above only the front of the superlift or rough country lift will work on the explorer

1995 explorer do indeed have a welded crossmember for the torsio bars, if putting ranger front brackets and drop brackets onto a 95 all that will get cut off

The 4 cyl and small v6 coil spring rangers are rwd, these lift kits do not work, not the same suspension

The rough country and superlift 5” lift kits come with 3.5” actual drop brackets. The other 1.5” of “lift” they are expecting you to crank your torsion-bars to achieve

Any explorers that install the front drop bracket kit and do a spring over axle conversion in the rear will end up with 4-6” of lift in the rear depending on which spring perches are used on the axle. You will need to crank the t bars quite a bit to level the truck. Some trucks will need longer t bar bolts, torsion keys, v8 torsion bars or a combo of all 3

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Those are for sure the way to go
We also like to install v8 explorer torsion bars they will hold up the weight of aftermarket bumpers winches v8 engines etx better
