Ranger owners-Post your Snow pics here | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger owners-Post your Snow pics here


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...If you like to take your Ranger out and play in the snow, this is the place to post your pics...Please keep your pics from 1-3 per post so we have room for everyone else to show their trucks too...:biggthump

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...Lol, now that is getting me anxious to get out and play in the snow...:biggthump

..We finally are breaking our heat spell that lasted all summer long and I can't wait for the snow to fly in our local mountains...:burnout:

Aww, rangers only? :( I have a couple of my mountaineer.

...Where are you from Markheus???...That is a really nice stepside work truck...:biggthump

Why just rangers??? Can't us X owners play too??

...Post #5 has a link for all to post snow pics...I thought it was time the Rangers got to make a showing of their own...The hardest working/play trucks around need some love too...:D

Markheus, in the land of "Bigfoot"...I will check it out...;)

...:scratch:...It's got to be snowing somewhere....Post 'em up...:D

Up on Palomar Mtn a couple years ago.


  • snowday.jpg
    84.2 KB · Views: 1,096

...ScottB, where's your snow pics???...:popcorn:

...ScottB, where's your snow pics???...:popcorn:

All the pictures of me in the snow are print, not digital. :(

Here a couple I just "converted."

The first one was taken in Ventura County, CA when my truck was just 3 or 4 months old. (Stock suspension.)
The second one was in Tellico, a few years ago. (Initial suspension lift.)


  • Jan 1994.JPG
    Jan 1994.JPG
    99.7 KB · Views: 990
  • Jan 97 Telico.JPG
    Jan 97 Telico.JPG
    93.1 KB · Views: 1,009

...Congrats on the first time...:biggthump

..It looks like that truck just dropped in the first pic..:eek:

There was ice there, I was at the place in sept with my quad and wasnt even deep at all. and assuming that it was the same, I made an attempt to go through with the truck "now". That happened within 5 minutes of entering the park lol.

...It's got to be snowing somewhere by now...:popcorn:

...With any luck we will see some snow around the 14th here in our local mountains...

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Pics were taken on my phone so not the best quality. First "heavy" snow of the year here... so I was just pulling out to take her for a spin. Look near the driver's side tail light in the first picture... you can see by dog peaking her head around the corner :D She is an essential partner when I go driving. :thumbsup:



