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Ranger Owners: Show Off Your Truck


Ford Ranger Trucks photo gallery of trucks where Ranger owners have submitted photographs and details of their off road rides. If your Ranger is your pride and joy, you can submit your ride for this Ford Ranger Trucks photo gallery too!

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Heres a Few old pics..
First is TT and AAL with 31's
Second is a few years later with the Superlift 4", TT, AAL, And Some reverse shackles and 35" boggers.



Here is a pic of my 2000 Ranger 4X4 XLT Off Road when I bought it back in October.


Here is as it is today. I added a bug shield, vent visors, bed rails, & an Explorer OHC.

just found this thread

The day I got it

The second time the engine let go (first 3.0 spun a bearing, Second one died from a wiring issue).


So I replaced it with this


Our 96 Ford Ranger 4 banger 2wd extended cab. Has no engine, interior is trashed, and has a few dents but for $250 not to bad.
Going onto a 92 ranger 4x4 4.0L V6 extened cab chassis. HAHA
My 02 pulling her home:

with the bronco 2 (blue thunder), my 88 F150 (white lightnin'), brother's 91 F250 (Cross bones), and 96 Ranger (Tornado)

I already mounted the mazda tailgate and removed the drop in liner:



hood needs to be put on:





I have the back window:

luckly no rust under the drop in liner:

Wow...so you are selling it?

nope plan is to fix what is going on with the tittle. It is going to be my younger brother's truck so it won't be perfect but will be decent.
pull the body, bed and clip and do some light body work just pull the dents I can on it. The ones I can't going to leave for now.
Figure out the issue I am having with my 4.0L.
Drop the body onto the chassis. Pull the dash, column, and carpet from the 96 interior and install complete 92 interior minus headliner, rear seats, and door panels.
Find a grille, headlights, bumper, rocker shield and call it good. Also some tail lights.
get some manual hubs
Then run that for a while and buy some accessories for it.

After that going to:
lift it enough to fit 33s going for something I can flex well
brush guard
smoked everything or clear everything
probably a roll bar or a truck box
sweet stereo system
upgrade headlights
billet grille
cowl hood

If I don't find the clip parts I need going to upgrade to a newer clip.
Still deciding on everything to do. I just know for sure it is going to 4x4 and a 6cyl.

Sounds great ...

Why don't you go ahead and start your own ranger registry and I'll clean thid picture thread up...

.yea...this thread is for posting one or two pics of your ranger and you can post a link to the thread where you can let us watch your project come together...;)

Ok sorry about that will be making one. Sorry big time. Didn't know about that still a new guy here.

No problem..:D

You will see the Ranger owners around here can have lots of exposure of their trucks and this thread is like a showcase with links..:biggthump

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